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After writing for 3 times again and again finally I am able to post it.

After school
At Kim Mansion
Hoseok and Namjoon's Room

Namjoon, Hoseok-  The hell?!! Have Dad gone crazy?

Both the twins shouted at the same time when YN told them about what Mr. Kim told them this morning.

Right now they were in their room,with YN, Jin and Yoongi.

YN sighed.

YN- This was my same reaction when he told me that.

Hoseok- Noona, if you don't want then don't agree.

YN- I seriously don't want to agree. I even told Dad but he said we all have our profit in this.

Yoongi- Ya,and now he is not listening to any of us. He even told us not to tell the Maknaes.

Namjoon- Why Maknaes?

Jin- We asked him. He said, they will know when it's right time.

Hoseok- Ohh, when will we meet them?

Jin- Ok, don't shout but, on the main day only.

Namjoon, Hoseok- WHAT THE---

They were about to complete the sentence when Yoongi cut them off by saying.

Yoongi- No cursing. You already did one time. Another time and you will get spanked by me.

Hoseok- Whatever, Noona don't worry we will talk with Dad.

YN- There is no hope for that too. We can't do that also.

Namjoon- Why?

Jin- Dad and Mom are going to a business trip tomorrow and will come the day before.

Hoseok- Then, what about now? He is still here.

Yoongi- No, he is not. He is at company. He will come late and they both will go early in the morning.

Namjoon- At what time will they come?

He asked as he looked at Hoseok trying to say something to him. Hoseok understood what he was tryna say and smiled at him. They both then looked at their elder siblings to answer. Jin was the one who spoke.....

Jin- Around 12 or 1? Why--- wait a minute. Hoseok,Namjoon. No. You will not do what I am thinking you are going to do.

Hoseok and Namjoon looked at each other and nodded their heads. They looked at Jin who was looking panicked while YN and Yoongi both were confused.

IU and Jungkook's Room

Jungkook- Ouch.....

IU- Kookie, did you just said ouch? What happened to you? Are you fine?

IU asked as she noticed how Jungkook was curled up in the bed. Jungkook slowly sat and looked at her. He was looking like he was very weak but was trying very hard to hide it. But how will he hide it from IU. She definitely noticed his state.

Jungkook- It's nothing Noon___ aah___

IU- How can you say it's nothing? You clearly are in pain. What happened to you? Tell me.

Jungkook- Not....a big deal..... Noona..... just a small..... Stomach ache......

IU- How can say it small when you clearly are not even able to speak clearly. With here let me go and call Unnie or Oppas.

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