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Jin- Hoseok, Namjoon you will not do what I am thinking you are gonna do.

He said in a time full of seriousness. Hoseok and Namjoon looked at each other then again at Jin.

Namjoon- Well, Hyung. You understood us. And we are gonna do what you think. And please don't stop us today.

Jin- And I already said that No. You are Not.

Hoseok- Hyung. Please. We can't see Noona like this. Sad, stressed and annoyed.

Jin- Di you think I love seeing her like this? Huh?

Namjoon- We didn't said like that Hyung. It's just we.....

Jin- Come with me.

He said as stood up and walked towards the door.

Namjoon, Hoseok- Huh? Where?

Jin- Just Come.

They both looked at each other confused but stood up and walked behind Jin leaving Avery confused YN and Yoongi. So, they both also decided to follow them.

Jin walked towards his and Yoongi's room. He opened the door and stood there.

Namjoon- Hyung, why did you brought us here?

Jin- Without any questions, go inside.

Hoseok- Hyung you .......

Jin- Hobi, Joon don't make it hard for me. Go. inside. right. now.

He said pressing each and every word with anger which sent shiver to both twins. So, they decided to follow their Hyung's order. They both went inside the room and then looked at Jin.

Jin- Till tomorrow morning, if any of you tried to come outside if this room, then just forget that you have a brother named Jin.

He said causing both the twins to turn their head towards each other in shock. The same reaction was given by Yoongi and YN.

Yoongi- Hyung, what are you saying?

Jin- Keep quiet Yoongi.

He said looking at Yoongi. He again turned back to see where the twins were standing still confused as well as shocked.

Jin- Joon, Hobi if you see me as your brother then don't you dare to come outisde. 

Hoseok- Hyung, you can't do this. You know...

Jin- I can and I am doing it. And another word from any of yours mouth and I will not hesitate to lock this door from outisde for 2 consecutive days.

He said. And none of them said anything. They nodded their heads. Jin closed the door and went towards YN'S room. He went there and sat on the bed rubbing his hairs with his hands in frustration. Yoongi and YN also came and sat beside him.

Yoongi- Hyungie, can you tell us why you locked both of them inside?

He asked as he took Jin's hand in his own while rubbing it

Jin- If I didn't then they would have did what I don't want.

Jin said making both YN and Yoongi to frown. They were already confused but after each and every sentence that Jin is saying they are getting more confused.

(Author- Just like you guys.)

YN- And what were they gonna do that you have to lock them in the room till tomorrow. You even didn't hesitate to say about forgetting you.

Jin- I know YN. Cause If I would have said them to be in the room, they would have sneaked at late night.

Yoongi- Hyung you are confusing us. Can you tell us clearly.

Jin- Not now. It's alredy time for dinner. Call everyone and come downstairs.

YN- Oppa, what about Joon and Hobi? Will you not let them come out for dinner or?

Jin- No, they will not. Let them be there. I can't take any risk by letting them out.

Yoongi- Ok, Hyung. YN let's go and call others.

YN- K Oppa.

They both went outisde to call the rest. Jin sighed. He also stood up and went downstairs to the kitchen. After few minutes all were there Ofcourse except for Hoseok and Namjoon. They all came and sat down on their seats. Jungkook was also a little fine now so he was also here. As they all sat Jin served all of them and sat on his chair. They all except for Yoongi and YN looked confused since even of anyone of them is not there Jin would never serve them.

Jimin- Hyung, Hobi Hyung and Joon Hyung are not here yet?

Jin- Yes, they have a very important test tomorrow and they are preparing for that. They will have their dinner in the room. Now you all start eating.

Taehyung- Ok

They all are their food. After dinner Jin took food to his room where Namjoon and Hobi were. He knocked on the door and opened it only to be shocked. The room was a whole mess till now and there laying Namjoon and Hoseok in the bed facing each other. Jin came inside while he locked the door. He putted the food tray and went towards them.

Jin- Namjoon, Hoseok come and have your dinner.

He said. Namjoon and Hoseok slowly sat on the bed. They didn't looked at Jin just kept staring at the bedsheet beacuse that seems to be more interesting for them.

Jin took the tray and oted that on the bed.

Jin- Both of you without any tantrums eat it.

He said and without saying anything the both ate the food in complete silence. Neither of them said anything nor they looked towards Jin for once.

Once they finished, Jin took the tray and stood up waking outisde. As he reached near the door he turned around and said

Jin- I am doing this for your own good. Hope you will understand that.

He said and left the room closing the door. Namjoon and Hoseok looked at each other and sighed. They again laid down in the bed, facing each other, covering themselves with blanket and falling asleep.

So, that is it for now.
Thanks for reading.
Confusing Chapter.
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Words Count- 1010

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