💫 Chapter-65💫

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After a few more minutes the diever came and they all sat in eventually reaching the home. As they reached their Namjoon ran inside to Hoseok's room hoping to find him their. He reached to his room and stormed inside finding his brother. He looked inside the room, bathroom, balcony, their walk in closet but didn't found Hoseok anywhere. Namjoon sat on the edge of the bed thinking where Hoseok would have gone. His thoughts were cutted of when YN came inside the room. She came and sat beside Namjoon.

YN- Joonie, listen.......We will find Hobi soon. Don't be sad. If you will cry then Hobi will also be crying. Do you want your Hyung to be sad, your Hyung to cry?

Namjoon- Aniyo Noona. I don't want. I will stop crying but you will find him right?

YN- Ofcourse we will. Now wipe that tears of yours and I suggest you to take a warm shower to realx your mind. And till then, we will  finding your Hyung. Ok?

Namjoon- Ne Noona.

Namjoon stood ad walked in the walk in closet. He took a pair of comfortable clothes and went to the bathroom.
After 25 minutes of a relaxing shower Namjoon came out.

Something like this 👆👆

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Something like this 👆👆

He sat on the bed and took his phone from the nightstad. He opened a specific contact and dialled the number. He waited till the person picks the call. After a few minutes he heard a hello.

Jin Hyung......

Yes Joonie.
What happened?
Is everything alright?

H-Hyung w-here are you?

In Office. Why?
And Why does it sound like you are crying?
Joon what happened?

Hyung can I come there?
I will tell you there only.

Sure, you can come.
I just have one metting, I will cancel that and then we can talk.

Hyung, there is no need to cancel.
I can wait for sometime in your cabin.

Ok. See you then. In office.

Ok Hyung.

Namjoon cutted the call and stood up. He left the room after closing the door and went downstairs. Their he saw YN and Yoongi sitting with the others who were having shocked expression. It can be seen that they now know what happened. Namjoon came towards them and all of them looked at him.

Namjoon- Hyung, I am going outside for sometime.

Yoongi- Outisde? Where?

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