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YN's first class was with Hoseok and Namjoon. I mean she was their homeroom teacher. She was already in the class. Just then she heard a knock. She looked at the direction and saw two girls standing. They were the same from the office who came before Jungkook and IU.  That's what she thought.

YN- Come in please.

Both the girls came in and stood near YN.

YN- Class we have two new students today. Please go ahead and introduce yourself.

???- My name is Lee Eunji. Nice to meet you all. She is my twin.

###- My name is Lee Minji. Nice to meet you all.

YN- Ok so Eunji and Minji, I am your homeroom teacher YN. Kim YN. You can call me professor YN.

Eunji- Ok, Professor.

YN- So both of you can go and sit beside ummm..... Where is an empty seat. Ya You can go and sit beside  Hoseok and Namjoon. Hoseok Namjoon please raise your hands.

Just then the two hands were raised. The Lee twins went and sat beside them. They were trying to have a talk with them just then YN said

YN- So, class now I want all of your attention on me and me only. If not then be ready for punishment.

Class- Ok.

YN- So today we will study about th__

Hoseok- Excuse me Professor.

YN- Yes Hoseok. What happened that you interrupted me in between.

Hoseok- Can you, me and Joon have a talk after the class. Alone.

YN- and what do you wanna talk about?

Hoseok- I had one doubt and I wanna clarify it with you. I understand it but I want some proper reasons.

YN- Ok. Come in my cabin after the class.

Hoseok- Thank you  and sorry for interrupting.

YN- It's Ok. So now everyone take out page no. 27. We will start.
The Class was going smoothly without any noise. Since it was YN's class, everyone knows making noise means inviting punishment. All students were studying attentively beside 4. Teh Lee twins and the Kim twins.

It's not like Kim Twins don't wanna study, the Lee twins were not letting them. They were trying to flirt with them, and were disturbing them. It was more than half an hour now. And now the brothers can't take it anymore. Both of thems tood up from their seat gaining the attention of everyone in the class. YN raised and eyebrow and said

YN- Kim Hoseok and Kim Namjoon, can you tell me why are both disturbing the class in between.

Namjoon- Miss, it's not like we want to. But this girls made us.

YN- What do you mean?

Hoseok- They are disturbing us so much. Again and again skating Oppa let's go on a date and things like this.

Namjoon- Neither they are studying nor they are letting us.

YN- Lee Eunji and Lee Minji what kind of behaviour is this?

Eunji- Miss, they are lying. We didn't did anything like this.

YN- Firstly it's professor to you. And secondly I know them very well. They or any student of my calls never lie to me. As they know the consequences.

Minji- So, you are blaming us. Do you have any proof?

YN- Lee Minji be in your limits. I am not your friends or so that you are talking with me like that.

Eunji- But she is right. How can you blame us without any proofs.

YN- I have. My students. They never lie to me.

Eunji- They do just because they are afraid of you. But we are not.

YN- Eunji you are crossing your limits now.

Minji- and what if we are not in our limits. What will you do? Suspend us. You don't have that power. You are just a teacher.

Namjoon- How dare you say that about her?

Eunji- Here come the teachers pet.

Hoseok- You__

YN- Hoseok. Just a sec. Eunji and Minji I want both of you in principle office right now. Hoseok Namjoon you too also.

Namjoon- Why us?

YN- so that you can tell Op__ the principal what happened here and what happened with you two.

Hoseok- Ok. Let's go Joon.

After this all 4 of them went towards the principal office. YN called another teacher and she also went their.
She reached the office and saw all four of them standing outside.

YN- Why didn't you went inside. I told you all to go inside and wait. Right.

Namjoon- Yes, Miss but the principal told us to wait for 10 minutes as he busy with some work right now.

YN- Oh Ok. Let's wait then.

Ta da.
It's a double update.
I didn't gave you the update early so I thought of giving two updates together. 
So, this is it for now.
Hope you like it
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It means a lot to me.
Anyways meet you all in the next chapter.
Till then
By By

I Love you all

Words Count- 850

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