💫 Chapter-67💫

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{A/N- I guess this will be the cringest 😬 Chapter ever.

Well many people/ reader sometimes call me Unnie. And may times, it turned out that they are older than me. And then I find it awakard. So, for those who don't know my age.

I am 16 years old.
Born in July, 2006.
So, if you are older, don't call me Unnie. }

~ You know where is he?

Yoongi flinched hearing the sudden voice. He turned backwards and saw Lisa standing there with a tray in her hand. He stood up from the bed. 

Yoongi- What do you mean? And why are you here Lisa?

Lisa- Oppa, I heard everything. There is no need to lie now.

Yoongi looked at her thinking what to do now. Lisa came in and putted the tray on the nightstand. She then, went and closed the door, locking it. She came and stood infront of Yoongi.

Lisa- Oppa, where is Hobi Oppa? I promise, I will not tell anyone regarding this.

Yoongi sighed knowing their is no other way then tell her the truth now.

Yoongi- Well, you see.......Hobi is not.....umm...

Lisa- Not, what Oppa?

Yoongi- HeisnotinKorea.

Lisa- Oppa, I can't understand anything.

Yoongi took a deep breath before saying

Yoongi- What I am saying this is Hobi is not in Korea.

Yoongi said and Lisa widened her eyes in shock listening to him.

Lisa- Huh? What? He is not In Korea? Then, where is he?

Yoongi- I am sorry, I can't tell you that.

Lisa- Wae?

Yoongi- I promised him, that I will not tell anyone.

Lisa- Ok........But how do you know this?

Yoongi- Actually........

Jin's Office

Jin- Really? He really left and till now no-one know where is he?

Jisso- Yes Oppa.

Namjoon- Hyung, please find him. I want him. Please.

Jin looked at him and said

Jin- Weren't this What you wanted Joonie. You didn't wanted to talk with him, eat with him or go anywhere with him. And now, as he is gone, you you want him back?

Jin said looking at him. Namjoon bited his lower lip.

Jin- Namjoon, leave your lip.

Namjoon immediately left his lip.

Jin- Now, tell me. Wasn't this what you wanted? Hobi just did what you wanted. And now you want him back?

Namjoon- Hyung......you......

Jin- I know you may think I am wrong. But Namjoon, for once think what you did yesterday. I am 100% sure, you will realise that this time, You are really at the fault. You both have had fights and its not your first time. Both of you had fought many times in your childhood but not like this. Never in your life, You call Hobi by his name. And yesterday, not only one time, but you kept calling him by his name. You shouted at him, and even slapped him. I don't know what happened between you guys but that doesn't give you rights to slap him or shout at him. You even denied to go with him today. And I am pretty sure, in school also you both ig ored each other. After all this happened, now he fulfilled what you wanted and you are saying you want him back? Namjoon did you even thought how he must have felt when you did all this. If you did anything like this with me or Yoongi, I would be really heartbroken. Why? Cause you are my brother. My younger brother. Think about him, how hurt he must be at that time. He is Your Twin Joonie. The one, whom with you were born. The one who take care of you more than any of us. You both could have even given your life's for each other. You can die for each other. Then, what happened? What the hell happened that you don't want to see him or be around him.

Jin said and Jisso was shocked. She thought Jin would comfort him but hear Jin was like scolding him, in her point of you.
But really, Jin was just saying the truth. And as always Truth is bitter. It's so hard to hear the truth and we never want to except it so it feels more bitter than.

And that's what Namjoon was going through now. Now, that he thought, he was remembering everything that happened yesterday.

(AN- For us, it's more than a week, or more)

Tears again came out from his eyes this time because of guilt.

Jin- Why are you silent now? Tell me. Isn't this what you wanted Joonie?

Namjoon showed his head as No. He looked up and said

Namjoon- I di-dn't wanted this Hyung. I never wanted this. I know I was angry and didn't wanted him around. But that doesn't mean, I wa-nted him to leave me. I was wrong Hyung. I rea-lised it. I was actually at the fault. Hyung just wanted to check if I was fine or not, but I just brutsed at him and started shouting at him and even disr-espec-ted him. I even slapped him Hyung. I am so bad Hyung and I know he is very angry with him and he should be. But Please tell him, I can't li-ve without him. Please tell him to comeback. I need him. I will apologise to him, and I even ready to take any punishment, just tell him to come-back. Please.

He said and again started crying. Jin took Namjoon in his embrace and started sitting hum by rubbing his back with one hand while ruffling his hair with another one.

With Hoseok

~ Then, go back to him.

Hoseok turned backwards and saw him.

Hoseok- I already told you, I am not going. He said he will be happy without me. He dint want me around.

###- But, you also know and I also know, you can't live without you. And he can't too. I am pretty sure, He must be finding you now.

Hoseok- No, he will not. He must be happy.

###- Didn't Yoongi told you, he was crying because of you.

Hoseok- That was lie, so that I can go back.

###- Gosh. I can't do anything with you. Right?

Hoseok- I guess.

###- Hmmm......well answer me this. How did you even managed to get our address?

Hoseok stood up from the bed and stood infront of ###. He made a thinking face and said

Hoseok- I don't know.

###- What else can I even expect from you.

Hoseok- Whatever. Can you go outside now?

###- and what will you do?

Hoseok- I will watch my old videos of me and Joonie and cry.

###- W-ha-t?

Hoseok- Please go out. I want to be alone. Please.

###- Fine, but come outisde for dinner. Ok?

Hoseok- Ok.......

I know it was cringe and all. Sorry for that.
And it's 67 part, I guess their will be not more than 70 parts. Or maybe 75.
You can say, this story will finish soon.
Thanks for all the love.

Anyways, that is it for now.
Thanks for reading
Hope you like it
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It means a lot to me.
Meet you all in next chapter.
Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 1225

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