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~ Sorry for disturbing you Miss, but do you know where are Kim Namjoon and Kim Hoseok?

The teacher looked their as well as Namjoon and Hoseok when they heard their name being called. They couldn't see them person's face.

Namjoon- Hyung why does it feels like I have heard this voice?

Hoseok- Me too Joon.

Ms. Jang- Yes. They are in this class only. Why?

##- Oh, we actually want to-----

Ms. Jang- Is the principal calling them also. If that is then Sorry, but I already the principal is not here is he sick.

$$- Oppa is sick? What happened to him?

Namjoon, Hoseok- Oppa?

Namjoon- Ms. Jang can you call the person inside.

Ms. Jang- Sure. You both come in.

They came in and Namjoon and Hoseok immediately stood up from their seats.

Hoseok, Namjoon- Eunji, Minji?

Eunji- Hii Hobi Oppa, Joon Oppa.

Namjoon- What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your---

Minji- Let's go out and talk. Shall we?

Hoseok- Ok.... Miss can we?

Ms. Jang- Ok.

They all four went outside and went in the canteen. They sat on one table.

Namjoon- Now will you tell us what are you both doing here?

Minji- Actually we have a week holidays, we talked with Dad about it, he asked Jin Oppa and Oppa said that we can come. So we came.

Hoseok- But shouldn't you be at home?

Eunji- Oppa, Minz wanted to meet you both and was not agreeing on going. She wanted to go with both of you and You know I can't deny my younger sis request.

Hoseok- Ohh. Eunji she is your twin but you are treating her like she is way too younger than you.

Eunji- Firstly she likes being babied and secondly see Namjoon Oppa got hurt.

Hoseok- What? Joonie are you fine? Show you Hyung where you got hurt? Is it paining much? Shou__

Namjoon- Hyung, Hyung Calm down. I am fine. Nothing happened to me.

Hoseok- Huh? Eunji you lied?

Eunji- Yup, I just wanted to show you something?

Hoseok- What?

Eunji- That, I am not the only one who babies her twin you are on the same track.

Hoseok- Uh.... That.....

Namjoon- She has got a point Hyung.

Hoseok- I also think so.

Minji- Oppa, why were you both in different class?

Namjoon- We talked with Yoongi Hyung and told him we wanted to change our section. We didn't wanted to be in that class, that's why.

Minji- Ohh.

Eunji- Oh, I remembered something, what Happened to Yoongi Oppa?

Hoseok- He is having fever.

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