💫 Chapter-69💫

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A double Update.
The next chapter will be the last part.
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Next Day
Next Night

Namjoon was in his and Hoseok's bedroom lying on the bed like a dead body. 1 day......only a day without his twin and he is already like this. The whole day he was just quiet. He didn't went to school and didn't even came out of his room. Jin would come and force him to eat and that's it. After that, no one came. Cause Namjoon is not allowing anyone to come in. He didn't talked with Hoseok after school. Yoongi also tried very hard to convince Hoseok to talk with him but he was too weak to do that.

Hoseok was having the same condition. He was also like a person whose soul left his body. He would just stay in the room and don't talked with anyone.
Right now he was sitting on the bed with the phone in his hand fighting himself whether to do the call or not. His brain was denying it while his heart was telling him to do that.

He sighed and decided to listen to his heart this time. Hoseok dialed the number and waited for the person to pick the call up.

Namjoon's phone started ringing but he didn't look at it. He was ignoring the call still looking at the ceiling. The phone stopped ringing but within 30 seconds the phone again started ringing. Namjoon again ignored it. It happened again. Now, the phone was ringing for the 3rd time. Namjoon sighed and took his phone and without looking at the id he picked the phone up.


Hoseok bitted his lower lip trying his best to control his tears after listening to Namjoon's voice after 1 and a half days.


Hoseok's tears started coming out of his eyes. He covered his mouth to not let the sobs reach Namjoon.

Listen whose ee the fuck you are. If you don't wanna talk, then I am hanging up

Hoseok's immediately tried to stop his tears and sobs and said


Hoseok said and Namjoon immediately sat on his bed listening to the voice.

H-hyung is it you?

Namjoon asked still not believing that Hoseok called him.


After this the next thing Namjoon heard was sobs,

Hyung are you crying?

Namjoon asked as his tears also made their way out of his eyes. Now his sobs were also heard.

After this none of them said anything just their sobs were heard.

Namjoon laid on the bed with the phone still on his ears and then said

Hyung, I am sorr--


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