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In School

Namjoon-So, what shall we do first?

Namjoon asked to Hoseok as they both entered Yoongi's cabin. The rest siblings went to their respective classes since the break will be over soon.

Hoseok- I think, we should clean this room firs. Cause you know....

Namjoon- Yup, you can't stand untidy and messy room. Let's do it first.

Hoseok- Hmm.

Kim Mansion

Yoongi- Aah, I should have been in school only. Hyung will seriously scold me very much.

YN- Oppa, don't be a kid. And Jin Oppa will not scold you, he will first check you and then tell you to rest.

Yoongi- I guess you are right. But where is he? 

YN- Maybe on the way.

They both were sitting in the living room waiting for Jin. After few minutes they heard the main door open and saw a figure coming inside. They both knew if was Jin and yup, they were right. Jin came in and immediately say near Yoongi putting his one hand on his head.

Jin- You idiot, can't you take care of yourself. See, you are having a high fever.

Yoongi- Hyung, I am fine.

Jin- Dint you dare to say that you are fine. YN can you take this brat to his room, I will come after making soup for him.

YN- Ok Oppa.

Jin- And ya give him this medicine.

Jin said as he gave two medicines to YN. She nodded and left with Yoongi to her room.
Jin went in the kitchen and started making soup for them. He was making soup just when his phone rang. He saw the ID it was their Dad. He picked the call and putted in speaker while he continued his work.

In the Call

Jin- Hey Dad, what happened?

Dad- Jin, I wanted to inform you that Eunji and Minji wants to come home.

Jin- Wae?

Dad- Actually, they have a week holidays for some reason and they said they will be bored their. So, they are asking if they can come back for a week? If you all don't mind.

Jin- Oh, then it's no problem Dad. They are still our sisters so why will be mind it?

Dad- Ok great. I will tell them.

Jin- Ok Dad. Anything else?

Dad- No, son. I will hang up now. By.

Jin- By Dad.

End of the Call

Jin cutted the call and took the soup which he made in the mean time while talking and went upstairs to his and Yoongi's room. He went inside and saw Yoongi lying on the bed with a wet cloth on his head which YN putted probably. He putted the tray on the night stand and helped Yoongi to sit.

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