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Time- 12;15 AM


Finally! I thought that this meeting will never end. Oh god. I am so tired. I saw the time it was past 12. I am very late. It's already midnight. I should hurry up. I will just go home and sleep. But before that I should buy what Yoongi asked me to. I will give them in morning cause I know why the hell they will be awake right now? Anyways I took my bag and went out from the office. I came out from the building and went inside my car. Then I drove towards the shops. I bought the things Yoongi asked and then went towards our house.
I was humming a song which is very close to me. I used to sing it for my brothers and sisters when we they were kids. Even Yoongi cause he is still and will always be my cute little grumpy cat.

After 30 minutes of driving I finally reached home. I parked the car and went inside with bags inside in my hands. I came to the living room and was about to go upstairs but stopped when I noticed two figures sitting or maybe sleeping in the living room. Huh? Who is here? What are they doing here? At this time? I went close towards them and saw it was Hoseok and Namjoon.  What are they doing here? Wait, were they waiting for me? No No it's not possible. They both are angry with me and probably don't even want to see my face. Why will they wait for me.

~ But they were waiting for you, Hyung.

I flinched at the sound voice. I turned back and saw Suga standing there with sleepy eyes. Am I dreaming? The grumpy cat is awake at this hour of night.

Yoongi- Hyung, how many times I have to tell you I am not a cat. And no you are not dreaming.

He whisper yelled as he didn't wanted the younger twins to woke up.

Me- Hub? I dint even said anything.

Yoongi- Hyung I am your twin. I can hear you even if you don't say something. So stop pretending.

Me- Whatever. But what are they doing here? Sleeping in this position? 

Yoongi- They were waiting and I think they both slept here only.

Me- And why were they waiting?

Yoongi- Cause you didn't came back. They were worried. Even though they are showing you like they are angry with you and don't care about you. They still do. After everyone went they both came and sat here. Firstly they were studying. Yoongi said pointing towards the notebooks on the table. Then they watched a movie. He said now pointing towards the television which was On and a movie was going on with very low volume. And maybe between the movie both of them slept.

That mean they still card of me? They are showing their anger?

Yoongi- Ofcourse they care. And I dint understand why are you talking to yourself in your mind even when you know they I can listen whatever you are saying.

Me- Huh?

Yoongi- Leave it. Carry one of them to their rooms, I will take one.

Me- Ok I will pick___

Yoongi- Ya ya go ahead and pick Namjoon. I will take my Hobi with me.

Me- Oh. He is mine also. And I didn't even said the name.

Yoongi- So,I am not gonna give Hobi to you. He is mine. Except for studies you promised me he will be with me.

Me- Yoongs it's not study or playing. You know what just take him. I can't deal with your right now.

Yoongi- Yes!

Aish this kid. He started doing a werid dance which I think he call as a victory dance. He danced like he won a medal or something.

Yoongi- Hyung, winning you in an argument is equivalent to a gold medal only. But now leave it and carry them.

Me- Hmm

Both of us carried them to Hoseok's room. They have different rooms but both sleep in Hoseok's room only. When we reached in both placed them on their bed and tucked them with blankets. Omo even now also they look cute while sleeping. I remember when they were young they used to cuddle very much. I think that changed now___ nevermind it didn't. Joon hugged Hobi like a kola which he is. And Hobi also hugged his twin back. And they both were still sleeping. Me and Yoongi came out from the room and started going towards our room.

Yoongi- You know out of all the twins in the house they are very calm. I don't know how the Maknae are not same as them or us.

Me- Maybe Hobi and Joon got our traits and our Maknae line got Cupcake's trait. Remember she was also like them. A very naughty girl.

Yoongi- Who can forget that. She even placed a fire cracker in the kitchen and when the maid went in __

Me, Yoongi- BOOM. 

Both of us laughed recalling the naughty but cute past moment's of YN. She was not like this before. She was even more naughty then the Maknaes but when she grew up she eventually started learning things and controlled her nature.

We reached our room and went inside and saw YN sleeping peacefully on our bed. Yoongi wnet beside her while I went to change into night dress. I came back and saw Yoongi sleeping. Aish this boy. Can't even wait for few minutes. I sighed and went towards the bed. I slept in right side, YN was in middle while the grumpy cat was at the left side.

Me- I wish all this hate of them towards me end soon and I again get my cheerful Namseok twins.

I said and closed my eyes letting myself go in dreamland.

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Words Count- 1000

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