💫 Chapter-36💫

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???- Just use the techniques you used in the past.

Jin turned around and saw Yoongi standing there.

Jin- What do you mean?

Yoongi- Hyung it's not the first time you punished them and neither it's the first time that they are upset and angry with you. It have happened many times. Remember.

Jin- Ofcourse.

Yoongi- Then simple. Use your old methods to get them back. Hyung in the past you punished them because of mistakes but then also you knew how to get them to you again.
But this time, you were at fault. I am not saying fully cause I know you were angry. Just it will be difficult from other time.

Jin- Hmm. I think som but which plan should I use. I have many.

Yoongi- Use all. Slowly slowly and eventually they will agree.


A voice shouted from upstairs. They looked upstairs and saw Namjoon shouting and Hoseok trying his best to take him from their.

Namjoon- Leave me Hobi Hyung. Jin Hyung I didn't said anything before But I will say now. YOU ARE AT FAULT. How can you punish us without knowing, without listening to us.

Hoseok- Joon. Shit up and let's go.

Namjoon- Hyung...... No leave me.

But Hoseok was more stronger than him and he dragged him with himself.
Jin looked down. Yoongi came towards him and tapped his shoulder.

Yoongi- Don't mind him Hyung. He is just angry. He will calm down. And did you saw Hobi was not saying anything. I think he may have already Forgive you.


Jin and Yoongi again looked up and this time Namjoon was trying to hold Hobi from bursting.

Namjoon- Hyung you stopped me and now doing the same thing.

Hoseok- So, what. I have the right. I am your Older brother. You are hurt and

Yoongi- Hobi, Joon go in your room right now.

Yoongi said with a stern tone. Hoseok and Namjoon stopped their bickering and looked at Yoongi who was eyeing both to go. They both sighed and went from their.

Yoongi- Hyung let's go in your room. I have one plan.

Jin- Ok

After Dinner.

Everyone finished their dinner. Mr. And Mrs. Kim went to drop Eunji and Minji at the hostel. Now only the Siblings were there.

Jimin- Yoongi Hyung let's ay something.

Yoongi- Minnie sorry, I am busy. I have to do the work of school.

Taehyung- Noona you?

YN- Me too.

Jungkook- Hobi Hyung, Joon Hyung, Jin Hyung you three?

Hoseok- Me and Namjoon can't come. We will have some rest.

Jin- I have one meeting to attend after an hour so I have to prepare all the materials.

IU- Meeting at Night?

Jin- Yes. It's with an American client and he is going back tomorrow. So I have to go to office.

Namjoon- Isn't it a bit late.

He whispered to Hoseok. Hoseok nodded.

Jimin- Ok, so no one will play.

Jin- You all can play.

Taehyung- But we are only 4 with we are not four now. We are 8. We can play.

Jin- Sure. Go ahead.

After this the maknaes and Blackpink went to play. Yoongi and YN also wneg for their work. Now again the awkward trio was left in the room.

Jin- Umm..  well.... I will allow go and mh e come at late night. By

He said and went without waiting for reply cause he know they will not reply to him.

Namjoon, Hoseok- By Hyung.

They both said in a low tone which only they themselves can hear. They also went to their room.

So, that is it for now.
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I know it's short. But I am not at home and I tried hard to write this down. I will give you along chapter tomorrow. Sorry.

Meet you all in next chapter.
Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 705

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