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Jungkook- Noona, Hyung said I am not bad, then why Joonie and Hobi Hyung are not here?

Jungkook asked this question which made the eyes of the three of them go wide. And not only them, all others except for IU and Jungkook.  All of them looked at each other, while Jin and Yoongi now realised what they forgot.

Jin- Fuck!!!!

Yoongi- Shit!!!!

They both said at the same time. They looked at each other.

YN- Holy Shit Oppa. How can we?

YN said. IU and Jungkook were damn confused and even more shocked cause their elders dint like cursing and today all three of them cursed.

IU- What happened Oppa, Unnie?

Jin- We...will talk later. We have to go home first.

Yoongi- Yes. YN, you come with them. We both will go first.

Yoongi said and he and Jin started going out when YN stopped them.

YN- Oppa, take Jimin and Tae with you. I can't come with all in one car.

Jin nodded and signalled Jimin and Taehyung to come. They went outisde the hospital directly to their car. Jin sat in the driver seat, Yoongi beside him and Jimin and Tae at back. Jin started driving at full speed.

Yoongi- Hyung, now I know what was something we were forgetting.

Jin- Yes, Yoongi. But it's not something, it's someone, and that too our brothers.

Yoongi- Right........ How can we forget them?

Jimin- Hyungs, its not your fault. We all also forget cause we were worried about Kookie.

Jin- Right.

Jin was driving when he saw another car driving just beside them. It was YN's car.

Kim Mansion

Namjoon was still in the balcony holding his head. Thinking about many things.

Namjoon's Thoughts- Oh god. This headache. Just because of this ache I shouted at Hyung. I am feeling so bad, but I know right now I am not in right mind and if I went out maybe I will again burst at Hyung and will make all  things more worst then it is right now.

Namjoon looked at the glass door and saw Hoseok in the side sitting on the ground holding his head.

Namjoon's Thoughts- Huh? Why is Hyung holding his head? Is his head also hurting? Am I the reason? Cause Hyung always feels my pain...... Aniyo this can't be true. I guess he is also stressed because of all this.

Inside the room

"Enough is enough. He have to come out now, and talk with me. He can't handle his a
pain and because of that my pain is increasing." Hoseok's Thoughts

Hoseok slowly stood up from the floor and looked at Namjoon through the glass door.
He knocked on the door again and again and said

Hoseok- Namjoon, Open the door. Please let me come out. You can talk with me. You know I will___

His words were cut off when Namjoon opened the door.

Namjoon- What the hell you want now?

"Aish, I knew I will burst. Hyung please go from here. I don't wanna say any mean things to you." Namjoon's Thoughts

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