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"I'm exhausted from being
stronger than I feel"


Authors POV

Jungwon woke up to the sound of a knock on his door, he had finally been able to sleep lately, but that doesn't mean he gets enough sleep.

Nightmares hunt him during his sleep so he can't stay asleep for too long.

He ignored whoever was knocking and closed his eyes not wanting to be bothered, he was going to continue to ignore them but the continuous knocking sound made his head pound so he got up and opened the door.

It was his mother, she was all dressed up like she was going out, velvet red dress, black stiletto high hills, a red fur coat, red lip stick with a gloss to it, hair was short, she had one eye covered and wore a smile on her face.

"What is it", Jungwon asked plainly, "Just giving you some money, make sure you eat something, your getting dangerously skinny", his mom tell him as she gently placed a few hundred dollar bills in his hand.

His mother is a famous model, so their very rich, his mom is dating someone from her agency who's also pretty famous.

"Mom I keep telling you I'm fine, where are you going anyway", he asked her, "I have to go out of town for a few days for the runway show in Daegu, I'll be back but Daehuel will be here if you need anything", she tells him and Jungwon sighs.

"Ok, love you mom be safe", Jungwon tells her and she smiles as she kisses him on the cheek before leaving.

When Jungwon saw her disappear down the steps he went to close his bedroom door when suddenly it halted with a slight thud sound.

It has hit someone foot, Jungwon widened the door to see Daehuel standing there, he was the one who stopped his bedroom door from closing.

"Let me come in", Daehuel tells Jungwon with a small smirk on his face, "No thank you I'm trying to sleep", Jungwon said going to close the door again but once again failed as Daehuel had grabbed the door again.

"Since when have you stopped listening to me?, do I need to show you who's boss again", Daehuel asked with a irritated tone.

Jungwon bit back his words with his tongue as he let the male into his room, Daeheul was in Jungwon started to walk out of his room but was once again stopped.

He didn't want to be in the same room with him, "Don't leave yet, come here", Daeheul said from where he sat on Jungwons small coach chair he had in his room.

Jungwon having no choice but to listen, started to walk until he stood in front of him, "Sit", Daeheul said as he patted the spot on his thigh.

"I don't want to today", Jungwon spoke quietly as he looked at nothing but the floor he stood on.

"Does it look like I care what you want, do it or I'm posting the video on social media", Daeheul threatened in a serious tone, jungwon let out a shaky sigh as he bit back the tear wanting to escape his eyelids.

He got closer before he sat him down on the older man's thigh, "See wasn't that hard now was it", he says with a smirk.

Daeheul lifted Jungwons hung head making the boy look at him, "Why the long face", Daeheul asks as he placed his other hand on the boy thigh as he rubbed it.

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