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"I don't hate school, I just don't like
waking up so early in the morning."


Sexual Assualt


"I don't wanna get up~" Jungwon conplained as he was currently attached to Jay, hugging the older man with his face in his chest while Jay sighs.

He was trying to get him up so they could get ready for school. Jungwon had been at his house for a week now and this week school starts back up.

"We don't even have to go this early. We're Seniors." Jungwons groans.

"You're right. Let's just skip." Jay said giving up quickly making Jungwon chuckle. "You basically woke me out of my nice sleep for no reason." Jungwon said wrapping his legs around Jays waist tighter Jays upper back with his head still against the older man's chest.

"My bad." Jay said with a chuckle. "The others are just gonna have to be without us today." Jungwon said.

"Yep." Jay said back. Soon the two fell back to sleep and slept for another 3 hours before getting up fully. Jay was getting ready to drop Jungwon off at his house because apparently his mom needed him for a few hours.

"She said she only need me for two hours so you can come back and get me at 11." Jungwon said as they got into the car.

"Alright. I better not pick you up all beaten and bruised or there's going to be a problem." Jay said and Jungwon just nods.

He couldn't promise that he'd come out of there without something happening any other day, but today was one of the days Daehuel works so he wouldn't be there.

"He won't be home don't worry." Jungwon said and Jay just nods.

Jungwon didn't really wanna go but his mom begged him to come back just for a little to help her out with some outfits she got him.

She loved to dress Jungwon up and take photos of him as she's a photographer as well. Jungwon wanted to be a model as well mainly because of her influence.

But as a kid he adored his mother, she was beautiful, a better mother then, and she was loved by many. Jungwon wanted to be like his mom who was really the only one he was around so he would ask her to take his pictures sometimes as a kid. Now it's an ongoing thing.

His mother is barely there, but Jungwon wouldn't say she's the worst mother ever. She's just a busy woman and does a lot so they can live the way they do now.

Jungwon knew the woman loved him more than anything but she didn't show it too well since she's always gone. And when she is there she's either nagging, over worrying, or getting Jungwon gifts.

"I'll see you later." Jungwon said and Jay nods with a small smile as Jungwon gets out of the car and heads to the front of the mansion.

When entering, it was pretty quiet. Jungwon immediately turns left going down the first hall and walking until he reached the fourth door on the left, the photoshoot room.

"Jungwon! How have you been sweets?" She said immediately going to hug her son. Jungwon actually genuinely smiles for once as he hugs her back.

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