23. Contentment and Pleasure

341 24 9

1 month later

Ignore errors for now lol


The sound of birds tweeting as the sun rose, adding the small light into our bedroom through the small crack between the black and golden decorated curtains.

I was always an early riser, I did my normal routine as I stretched slightly rubbing my eyes to help myself wake up. When I opened them, I'm of course met by my boyfriend's soft sleeping face.

His arms wrapped around me like a bear, big and warm, the sound of his heart beating softly in his chest gave me a sense of contentment.

I didn't want to get from underneath my warm black and golden bed sheets, the fluffy pillows, the feeling of the silk and cook sheets against the skin on my side; so I just enjoyed it instead.

I glanced over his shoulder at our clock to see it was 10:35am.

Not the earliest I've woken up but it's a nice time to wake up. I laid with him for about another forty minutes before I got up to get freshened up and make breakfast.

Jay was usually the one to make it, but he worked on a project for work late last night so I didn't want him to have to do it. Him and his company were planning out the mall that they'd make in a new area where a bunch of apartments and nice houses were, malls weren't that close to them over there so Jay said it would be good business wise and client wise as they wouldn't have to drive out for an hour just to go shopping.

I kept on my warm pajamas, the black and pink plaid shorts with two black strings, pink house shoes, and a black shirt that fit my upper frame, it was almost a crop top as it barely covered my lower stomach, I think it just shrunk in our dryer.

As I walked into the kitchen and turned on the light, the sound of jingles are heard, immediately making me smile as I turn to face behind me to see Koda, the Maine coon cat, with a pretty cream colored coat and some black spots in her fur, and Sora, our very lively Cane Corso, she was still a pup just like fumi, Koda's brother, was still just a kitten.

Koda was only about one years old, Sora was 5 months, Fumi was 2 months.

"Hi babies!" I said excitedly as I want and rubbed them both, Sora was really good around other animals, which is why we got two cats, we were going for one, but I was a softie and so was Jay.

After we were told that we had to bring Fumi back because Koda became depressed after being separated from her little brother, we felt bad so we just decided to take them both.

And to me that was the best decision because they're both so well behaved and cute, and it's good that Fumi has someone to look up to.

"So cute," I said before I went to wash my hands. I could still hear their collars clicking and everything, meaning they were either moving around to get comfy, playing with their toys, or messing with each other.

Sora understood that Koda was a bit weaker than her so she always played with her gently luckily, and even more gentle with Fumi, just nose nudges for the small kitten since she was kinda small.

Fumi was a variety of colors, which is why we didn't know they were siblings at first, Koda had vitiligo but for cats, but not fully which was why she wasn't completely white.

Fumi was mostly grey, a white patch on his left eye, and some brown here and there with his grey and blue eyes, he was so adorable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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