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"Sometimes the worst place to
he is our own heads."


Jungwons POV

I finally have the day to myself, Daehuel is out for a day doing whatever I don't give one fuck about, he could be murdered and I wouldn't give one shit

I got ready for school once again.

I couldn't sleep last night due to the thoughts that I'm never able to keep quiet long enough to fall into slumber, even if I do in woken by nightmares.

It looks like it would rain soon, meaning I was definitely going to sleep in most of my classes today.

I sighed before breathing in the nice chilly fresh air of Tuesday morning, the only time I could ever have peace with my brain is when I'm outside on a rainy day or if I'm high as hell.

The only downfall about being high is I end up eating a lot of sweet stuff afterwards, as I once again approached my school, I could already hear the very loud and annoying noises coming from everyone.

I don't know why but today was a fuck school day for me, maybe it's the fact that's it's going to rain soon or I'm grumpy because I didn't get any sleep last night.

I was going to skip all of my classes today, and since I'm a senior with good grades and I already have more than enough credits to graduate I can just say fuck it when I want to

Many seniors takes breaks a lot but mostly if they have all their things in order to pass and go to college.

Once your a senior you can basically do what you want, for us, seniors can leave whenever they want even the ones who are failing, I mean they can't force you to stay here when your in charge of yourself now, seniors are considered adults or young teen adults.

For me I'd never skip any classes if I didn't have all my credits, but I actually have 40 credits and the average credits to graduate is 25, yea I did a lot of extra curriculums plus I'm weirdly smart.

Instead of staying in the front of the school or roaming through the hallways or the garden, I went to the roof, very hard to get up here in fact we're restricted from coming here, but here, high up on the building is where I breathe better, I'm able to clear my head more.

And by that I mean I smoke weed up here to clear my head, barely anyone knows of this spot or even how to get here, you have to do a bit of parkour to get here, not too dangerous but a normal person who values life wouldn't dare attempt to get up here.

Don't get me wrong life is beautiful, but not everyone's life is beautiful, if you get what I mean, you get it, if you don't then you don't.

I don't give a shit about how they say marijuana is bad for growing and stuff, or it causes depression, well not for me, it makes me feel better than when I'm not high off the clouds.

If it was so bad it'd be illegal everywhere, pornography is bad too but no one says anything about that.

Luckily I had already planned to smoke something today so I have one already rolled, I lit it and I was good.

My first time having cannabis was at a party during sophomore year, I wasn't even invited but I didn't care no one else did either.

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