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"Kissing is fun."


Make out session warning!!


"That's was random." Jay said with a chuckle. "Well have you?" Jungwon asked and Jay just nods in response.

"Did you like it?" He asked again, "It wasn't the best." Jay said back as Jungwon sits up straighter.

"How many times have you kissed someone?" Jungwon asked. Jeez he was asking a lot of questions at the moment.

"A lot." Jay responds normally. "I bet I could you you the best you ever had." Jungwon said with a smirk. Jays stomach did a flip from Jungwons confidence and bold attitude.

Jay found that attractive and loved it when people were bold or confident in random moments. "Oh really?" Jay asked back with a smirk as well.

It didn't help that they were both kinda drunk but whatever, it would just be a kiss. "Want me to show you?" Jungwon asked Jay who's heart started to pound as he looked into the younger males eyes.

"Show me then baby." Jay flirted back making Jungwon smile before he takes Jays jaw into his hand pulling his face down towards his before he pressed their lips together sending them both tingles and butterflies.

The two seemed to forget they were in a room with 5 other people as Jungwon pushed his tongue into Jays mouth before sensually rubbing their tongues together.

Jay was letting Jungwon take control so he could show him what he got, Jungwon then sucked on Jays tongue making the older man let out a low groan as they both started to pant.

Luckily the tv was loud as the others watched Sunoo and Heeseung play against each other in a game and Jay and Jungwon sat further back from the group.

Jays arm went to wrap around Jungwons waist as he was currently really enjoying this, and Jungwon was enjoying being in charge at the moment.

They kept kissing while Jay brought Jungwon to kneel in between his legs since it was easier to kiss with the male in front of him.

Jungwon sat himself on Jays lap instead before kissing the side of Jays neck after he pulled away from him.

Jungwon then started to mark a hickeys onto his neck making Jay let out another sinful and low groan as he grips Jungwons hips harder.

When he was done he pulled away with a smirk. "Did I lie?" Jungwon asked as Jay eyes looked at him with excitement and slight lust but mostly playfulness.

"No you did not." Jay said with a deep sigh to catch his own breath.

"See." Jungwon said smirking in triumph before getting off Jays lap. Jungwon didn't know why he suddenly felt the urge to play around with Jay but he found it fun, and he's do it again.

That moment seemed to help them sober up as they were now not even drunk anymore. "I'll be back." Jay said getting up and climbing down the steps before entering the bathroom making Jungwon smirk.

He gave Jay a not so nice problem.

Soon everyone was falling asleep, Sunoo and Ni-ki were now the ones who kept kissing and making out while Sunghoon had fallen asleep next to them.

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