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Warning!: Sexual activities and tension


Week later


"Nooooo, STOP!" Sunoo yells in a high squeal as
Ni-ki kept trying to grab him to pick him up only just to slam him back on the couch like he was on WWE.

"Ni-ki seriously stop, because if you break my couch you pay for a new one." Jay tells him and Ni-ki shrugs.

"It doesn't look expensi-" He started to say, "It's 13,000 dollars." Jay says cutting him off making Jungwon chuckle as he sat on the couch as he watched how Ni-Ki's expression turned into a horrified one.

"Ok I'm done." He said smiling and sitting down. "Good." Sunoo said going to sit on Sunghoons lap who grunted since Sunoo sat down with a slight bounce that he probably did on purpose.

"Sorry." Sunoo mumbled with a smirk. Jake and Heeseung were going to be over soon as they were on their way. Jay was cooking like usual.

Jungwon sat on the couch in one of Jays hoods since he wanted to keep his attempt and self harm from the others.

It was healing well though since Jay helped him treat it every day with healing ointment. Jungwon gets off the couch going into the kitchen to see Jay stirring around the glass noodles so they didn't stick together.

He had a tight black shirt on with grey sweat shorts, his glasses on and his hair over his face a little.

Jungwon continued to watch him, paying attention to how his muscles and veins would swell and poke out when he put more strength into his arms, he had a really nice body is what Jungwon was really starting to notice.

Jay suddenly looked over feeling that he was being watched and saw Jungwon sitting on the island counter near the sink just staring back at him. They stared at each other for a little before Jungwon just smiled at him making Jay smile back.

"You're adorable." Jay tells him as he turns back around as Jungwons smile widens at the compliment. "Thank you." Jungwon said with a slight blush on his cheeks.

Jungwon was complimented often but they felt nice coming from Jay for some reason Jungwon couldn't fathom yet.

He's never been one to catch feelings ever, he was basically used to being a player himself as well. Jungwon decided to hop off the counter before going near Jay.

He slips under his arm and stood in front of him as he continued to stir this time he had added all the ingredients and sauce into the pot now.

He leaned back against the older man comfortably. Jay didn't mind as he let him do so while he continued to make their dinner.

To Jay it was nice having Jungwon stay over for so long. Usually he was always alone in this house and although he enjoyed it sometimes it was always better when it wasn't just him.

He noticed how Jungwon was becoming way clingier and complained when he didn't get any type of touch or affection for a little while.

Jungwons love language was also obvious physical touch and affection like Jay himself, but he was being careful for the boys own sake but it seemed Jungwon didn't want that at all.

"Almost done?" Jungwon asked tilting his head up to look at him and Jay automatically looked down seeing the movement from the bottom of his peripheral vision and he nods at him.

"Kiss?" Jungwon suddenly asked with pleading eyes and Jay just leans down and gives him a kiss on the lips, they kissed for about 5 seconds before Jay was going back to cooking as Jungwon smiles happily satisfied even with the smallest kiss.

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