18. Healing

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3 months later

Jungwon was currently working hard on singing in his personal studio Jay and his friends help him build into Jays home.

It's been three months since that incident, charges on Jungwon were dropped completely, he got a bunch of money and gifts from fans or just people who wanted to help out after his mother made a go fund me to help with his mental health, she would've gave him the money he needed, but Jungwon didn't want to be a burden.

Jungwon went live a few times throughout the months, singling for fun, partly vlogging, or just ranting, and he got a bunch of support and requests from fans for him to continue singing to them as they seemed to really enjoy it.

That led Jungwon to achieve his other dream, a singing career, he loved singing, it was a way for him to be at peace and happy.

Along this short singing journey, Jungwon found out Jay also had a nice voice, but deeper than his own, he thought they harmonized well together.

Speaking of the man, he walks into the room, slightly interrupting Jungwon who looks over to his left at him.

"How are you doing so far?" Jay asked as he walks over to the younger, placing a kiss on his forehead as he sits in the spot next to him.

"Struggling a bit." Jungwon said simply as Jay looked at the lyrics the male had down so far.

Well tried, Jungwon suddenly placed the journal against his chest, blocking Jay from looking as his face was slightly dusted with a light pink.

"What are you being so embarrassed about? The lyrics starting off are nice." Jay encouraged and Jungwon just blushed harder.

"I'm not, I just don't want you to see it until it's done." Jungwon said confusing Jay a bit since the male had never told him he had to wait until he finished before.

"Ok, I'll do what you say peach so don't worry." Jay said with a small smile as Jungwon did the same. Yes, he was finally gaining his smile back after almost four months, and Jay was loving it.

The two were officially in a relationship now, for the past three months. Of course Jungwon sajd yes after Jay asked him after they had taken a bath together after Jay took him out to the aquarium like Jungwon wanted.

"Thank you." Jungwon said, grateful the man wasn't trying to be stubborn. "You're welcome baby." Jay said with a smile as he rubbed the younger gently on the thigh.

Jungwon stared at him for a bit, frozen by how the man was looking at him so tenderly. His gaze to Jungwon felt like one of a protector. Someone who cared deeply for him, and wouldn't think twice about risking his own life to save once again.

Like a soulmate, bonded together by fate. Jungwon heard many times from others about how the two fit together perfectly like puzzles, and the only ones that could ever fit together. And Jungwon loved the sound of that, and he definitely loved this man, who was still, despite the quietness, and Jungwons absence of speaking, let him just stare in silence as he stared back with nothing but love in his gentle but sharp eyes.

"What is it peach?" Jay asked the younger male, shaking him by his thigh slightly to bring him back. He wanted to know what he was thinking as he stared at him almost as if he was appalled or amazed by something.

Jungwon took a few more seconds to respond, but not with words, but with a gentle kiss, Jay was shocked. For the last few months, Jay has been the only one to initiate kissing, and only when Jungwon asked.

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