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"Being sick is definitely horrible.
Having someone to take care
of you when sick is a good feeling."


Sexual tension


Jungwon had been asleep for a while now still not feeling well. And now everyone was at Jays house once again.

Sunoo sat down in between Sunghoons lap while
Ni-ki had his head placed on Sunoo's lap as Sunoo was on his phone while Ni-ki watched tv.

Jake was bothering Heeseung like always as they talked in English to one another joking around like usual.

Jay was currently going up the stairs to collect the plates and bowls in Jungwons room so he could clean them.

He felt bad that the male wasn't feeling well. He goes to kneel on the floor beside him before gently lifting his arm and moving it closer until his hand gently touches the small area of his forehead.

His head was still pretty cold but luckily he seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Jay didn't know what made him so curious about Jungwon or why he seemed to always want to be near him, but he knew he enjoyed his company.

Jay's usually the type to sleep around and flirt a lot to keep certain things off his mind and it was a horrible habit. But since he met Jungwon he hadn't been doing that much.

Maybe he did mess around with someone just a few days ago but he's not doing it as much. He lets out a low sigh but it seems to be loud in such a silent room.

Jay stands back up carefully before facing the dresser and carefully grabs the plates trying not to make as much noise as possible.

As he closes the door to the guest room Jungwon currently occupied, he looks to his front and surprisingly there stood Jake with a concerned expression but still held a smile.

"Jesus you scared the shit out of me I couldn't even scream." Jay said holding his heart as if to have an heart attack.

"You're fineee. How's the cat? Is he ok?" Jake asked with great concern showed on his face as well as his actions. He was currently fiddling with his clean dark green sweater at the bottom with his fingers as well as the the slight sway in his body.

"He's better. Don't worry too much Jake ok?" Jay said patting the top of Jakes head as a way to comfort him. Jake smiles at his older friend hopefully as he trusts the words he gave him.

"Let's go back down, he's resting right now." He says before guiding the younger male back down the steps and giving him back to Heeseung before Jay takes himself into the kitchen and placing the used dishes into the sink.

As he starts on the dishes, Jungwon suddenly appears coming down the steps. His movements sluggish and weak looking as he had wrapped himself in the warmth of the fuzzy black blanket with brown bears on it.

"Oh Jungwon, you should be upstairs resting!" Sunoo voice was heard saying in concern as he rushed to his friend.

Jungwon looks at him as if he wasn't fully awake as he placed his head in the crook of his friends shoulder making Sunoo a bit flustered with how adorable Jungwon appeared to be at the moment.

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