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"Warmth is a great


Warning!: underaged drinking!!

Authors POV

Jungwon tussled and turned as he was waking up now, when he opened his eyes everything was blurry so he rubbed the blurriness out of his eyes.

He realized he was in a room, specifically Jays room, or other room since he of course has a room at home also.

He sat up on the bed before looking down to see Jay sitting up but his eyes close, he realized he was asleep.

Jungwon knew Jay had helped him. And his mouth didn't taste like throw up anymore, he really did wonder why Jay did so much when they barely know each other.

Jungwon sighs as he got out of the bed, he felt bad for stealing the older's bed, he sat down next to Jay sitting his head on his shoulder, he didn't know why but he felt at ease whenever he was around him, his mind thought of nothing but him sometimes but he didn't understand why..... at least for now he didn't.

He was never uncomfortable or scared of him, most people are scared of him which is what he realized after being around him and the group for a week, most admire him from afar but are too afraid to approach him which Jungwon doesn't understand why.

Yes he thought he could be intimidating and scary looking but he never actually got scared of him, he thought he was sweet and kind but others don't really think so.

Jungwon witness Jay help someone after bumping into them but I guess his poker face scared the person as they rambled begging him not to kill them that they were sorry for bumping into him before running away.

He saw how that made the only feel bad although his face didn't show it too much he knew it was how he felt somehow and he was right.

Jungwon was very jumpy around everyone and flinched a lot mainly because of what he experiences at home and he usually gets scared or upset when someone grabbed him in a certain way, usually he didn't do that with Jay but today he did and he felt bad that he did because he realized it made Jay feel guilty like he did something wrong when he didnt.

In fact he grabbed him gently and slowly but Jungwon was upset at that time so he couldn't control it and flinched before pulling away roughly.

Jungwon sighed as he looked up at the boy he laid his shoulder on, he then started to wake him up because he didn't want him sleeping in such an uncomfortable way.

Jay woke up tired as he cleared his throat stretching and mistakenly hitting the small boy who he didn't know was on his shoulder on the head.

"Oh I'm sorry, you ok", Jay said immediately rubbing the spot on his head he hit, "I'm fine", Jungwon said with a genuine smile which made his dimples show, shocking Jay since he never knew he had dimples since Jungwon only usually gives half smiles.

"You have dimples", Jay said poking his cheek where he saw the dimple, "Yes, why're you poking my face", Jungwon said flattening his eyes out, squinting at Jay a bit.

"I dunno it's the first thing my brain told me to do", Jay responds, "Well your brain is strange", Jungwon said and Jay smiled a little.

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