16. Confessions

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TW: Hard angst like the last chapter but worse I think?

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Panic, that was the perfect word to describe the feeling in Jays gut just a few hours after dropping him off.

He had been spamming him, asking if he was ok, and why he wasn't answering, so much to where he couldn't go to sleep, his body and brain wouldn't let him, it was as if the universe was telling him something was horribly wrong.

He couldn't shake this feeling as he had went back to calling the males phone again, no answer, again, no answer, again, no answer.

Just as he was about to get up, he suddenly felt even worse, something was definitely wrong, this feeling, it was stronger, even worse than earlier, so much Jay wanted to throw up at the intense feeling.

But he didn't have time to contemplate on whether he was maybe overreacting, but in his gut, he knew he wasn't, there was a strong feeling, as if Jungwon was dead, and the mere thought had him losing his mind.

He snatched his car keys swiftly off the kitchen counter before entering the garage and immediately getting into the car.

He was a nervous wreck, and he knew it, it felt like it was taking him forever to even get close to where he had dropped off the younger male.

As he drove, he realized the weather had also changed, the sun wasn't shining anymore, it was windy, but the sky was clear of clouds, the full moon shined hard down onto earth, and it was so quiet, so tranquil.

His hands were desperately gripping at the steering wheel, his gut only twisting further the more he wondered if Jungwon was actually ok or not, he said he'd text him and call him, but it was already 3:10 in the morning and he hadn't responded or texted or anything, didn't even read the thousands of panicked messages he sent.

He gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white, and his hands started to burn, the more he thought about being too late, the more his foot pushed harder onto the gas peddle, and soon, he was zooming down the street, way past the speed limit which was 35.

The sound of the cars engine was very evident in his ears as well as the wind from outside, he had never driven his car so recklessly before, but he couldn't help it, you'd understand if you were in his situation.

When he finally reached the house, he stopped very abruptly, making the car skirt a bit as he immediately hopped out, the first thing he realizes, was the front door being open, which was odd.

And there was blood a little coming down the steps, Jay felt his heart drop and a lump clog into his throat, he rushed into the house, calling out the boys name, no response, so he goes up the spiral steps, bursting into every room, checking every nook and cranny in case he had been hiding or something, he then came across an open room, and when he looked inside to see a man's dead body, his heart only dropped more, and then he felt guilty as well.

Jungwon had obviously snapped, and it had to be bad if he lost it to the point of killing someone, Jungwon still never really told Jay what was going on between him and his stepfather, but now he thought he had a very good idea of what it was, and it's something that made him sick to his stomach.

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