14. Date?

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Contains sexual content!!



"I'm so ready to go home hyung." Jungwon said as he sat on Jays lap as they were in their 3rd hour history class. The teacher didn't care as he was pretty cool, plus Jungwon and Jay weren't trouble students.

"We've only been here for three hours peach." Jay tells Jungwon who pouts at him as he sat sideways on the man's lap. "I knoww." Jungwon says as he watched Jay as he did his work about the history of Buddhism. Jungwon was already done. "These girls keep glaring at me. I'm going to ask if they have a staring problem in a minute." Jungwon said throwing a glare back at the two brunettes in front of them on the right near the wall.

"Probably jealous because you're sitting on my lap." Jay says which was true. "Ah I keep forgetting it's not just me that finds you hot. Why can't you just be hot to me so no one else would look at you. I have competition now." Jungwon rambled as Jay chuckles. "You don't have any competition baby, they do." Jay corrects and Jungwon smiles.

"Jay." Jungwon calls making Jay look up at him curiously. "What is it baby?" Jay asked as Jungwons stomach fills with butterflies. "Kiss me." Jungwon says and Jay immediately set down his pencil before grabbing Jungwons jaw and pulling him into a kiss. Because Jay had his eyes closed and payed attention to nothing but their kiss, he didn't get to see how Jungwon opened his own eyes glancing at the two girls who's mouths were wide open in shock as they kissed.

Jungwon smirked into the kiss licking Jays lips before they pulled apart and looked back at Jay innocently as the man didn't know he just basically claimed him.

"Thank you." Jungwon said as Jay nods and gives him a smaller kiss on the neck before going back to doing his work. And the two girls didn't look back at them again.


It was now lunch and Jay and Jungwon sat next to each other at their lunch table with the rest of their friends. Jay was talking with the others and laughing as Jungwon just leaned against the man's strong arms happily. Jays hand being placed on Jungwons thigh, and the younger loved the feeling of his hand there, it was as if Jay was telling him who he belonged to.

And Jungwon didn't mind belonging to the man. "You're oddly quiet right now." Heeseung says to Jungwon as the younger turns his head to look at him.

"Am I? Sorry, just thinking." Jungwon tells Heeseung who smiles ruffling the top of his head making Jungwon smile too. "About Jay right?" Heeseung asked and Jungwon blushed. "He likes you a lot. And surprisingly stopped sleeping around since he met you." Heeseung whispers to him and Jungwon smiles. "Good." Jungwon said back as Heeseung chuckles.

"What are you two talking about?" Jay asked curiously with a raise of his brow. "Nothing too important." Heeseung responds going back to talk with Sunoo.

"Let's go out somewhere today. We stay home too much." Jay tells Jungwon who blushes, was he asking him out in a date? No, don't get your hopes up, is what Jungwon told himself.

"Ok." Jungwon says with a smile before Jay leans down to peck him on the lips. Jungwon feels his stomach do that tingle as they did.


Jungwon was back at Jays house now. Jay was currently out for a bit to get Jungwon some food as he was spoiled.

Jungwon couldn't help but think about what Jay thought about him, did he feel the same way he did? It seemed like he did, but he didn't know for sure.

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