21. Truth and Admition

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"We have a pool right?" Jungwon asked as Jay was giving him a tour of the house after they ate breakfast.

"Yes. Why? Wanna get in? It is about 100 degrees outside." Jay said with a soft smile making Jungwon blush.

The younger shook his head, and his mood very slightly shifted, but Jay still noticed it. "Why not hmm? You like the water." Jay said as he looks at him confused.

Jungwon didn't say anything, but Jay watched as the boys eyes flickered to his arms for a split second before looking back at the floor.

"Jungwon, I keep telling you you're beautiful. Do you not believe me?" Jay asked gently as he held onto his face looking at him with a serious but still soft expression to not make him feel bad.

"I do... I just don't see it. And it's even worse because of the scars." Jungwon told him as his face held a pout and a bit of sadness.

"The scars will fade over time, probably not as quickly as you'd like but they'll thin out some. And your scars shouldn't be something that makes you sad. You should be happy, it shows that you went through a struggle but you're still here and alive, and better than those times." Jay explained to him as he grabs his arm before kissing him on his wrist where some of the straight scars were, fading, but still visible.

"That's only because of you." Jungwon told him as he was blushing. "I'm only partially the reason. You're still deciding to not revert back to that, I'm just helping you through it." Jay told him as Jungwon shakes his head smiling a bit.

"If it was anyone else, it wouldn't work. Thank you for staying by me, I know I can be difficult." Jungwon said kissing the man on his chin.

"And that's isn't your fault, and it doesn't matter how difficult it gets or is, I love you so I know I can deal with it." Jay said kissing the male on the cheek now.

"Ok. But I don't want to get in it for now." Jungwon said and Jay nodded. They went back to the room and cuddled and stuff.

Jungwon sat on the man's lap facing him as he enjoyed being pampered by his boyfriend.

Jay was just loving holding him and giving him kisses or rubs every there and then. "You're so warm." Jungwon said with a cute giggle that made Jays heart swell.

"Good, I want you to be warm peach." Jay said chuckling as he kissed the male on the side of the neck before Jungwon is pulling his face off the man's shoulder.

"Kiss me on the lips please." Jungwon said with a small smile making Jay chuckle before doing so, pulling him into a sweet kiss.

"I want to talk to you." Jungwon said as Jay nods. "Of course baby, about what?" Jay asked in a careful tone because he knew Jungwon could easily change his mind.

"How the thing with me and Daehuel started..." He said, already his tone was a bit low, letting Jay know this was an extremely sensitive topic so he had to definitely treat it like so.

"Ok, I'm listening."  Jay said as Jungwon shifted off of his lap and sitting at the side of him.

"So, my mom had already told me months prior she started to talk to some guy she worked with. After about 3 months she introduced him to me because they were getting serious about their relationship." He started off letting out a sigh towards the end as he kept picking his skin with his nail. Jay noticed it and grabbed his hand, stroking it gently to make him less anxious which does help a lot.

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