17. The truth

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3 days had passed, Jungwon was getting treated for his injuries, he was being investigated, and so far, Jungwon was seen as a victim of multiple accounts of rape and abuse until he snapped, but the investigation was not over yet.

Jungwons mother was back, and she was a mess, she felt so guilty, and asked why Jungwon never told her, and wished how she could've paid more attention so this didn't happen.

Jungwon explained how he wanted her to be happy.

"Honey, your happiness will always come before mine, I'm sorry I was barely home, I'm sorry I made you think you had to take all of the madness in place for my happiness. I feel so horrible, I'm so happy you're alive." She cried horribly, and Jungwon was crying too, he couldn't help it.

He knew his mother only wasn't home because she was making sure he'd have a better future growing up and a life where he didn't have to worry about money like she had to when she was growing up.

"I'm sorry mom." Jungwon said and she shakes her head wiping her face as she rubs her son's face in a caring way. "Don't you dare apologize baby, it's not your fault, you were hurting and I understand you didn't want to burden anyone with those feeling so you kept it hidden. It's not your fault, you were going through so much. I just wished I caught on and helped. I failed as a mother." She says and Jungwon shakes his head now.

"No, I should've told you, I was just too scared, I didn't want him to expose that video to you, or anyone so I just did what he asked, even though you've always told me to tell you if something was wrong and that you'd always side with me." Jungwon says and she sighs.

They talk for hours, before she had to leave to talk to reporters and sort out court things. Soon Jay walked in, immediately going to go kiss him on his forehead.

"How are you?" Jay asked as he lays underneath the covers with the male. Jungwon snuggled into him, loving the warmth his body gave him as he still felt as if he was loosing his mind.

He needed therapy, he knew it, but he wasn't ready to talk about it yet, what he went through, not until he could talk to Jay about it first.

Jungwon banned his other friends from coming and seeing him in the condition he was in, he didn't want to see the look that they'd give him, the look everyone had been giving him, pity and sadness..

He couldn't take anymore people crying over him and him breaking down because of it too. "Still not so great." He says back as Jay hums.

"And that's ok. Keep being honest with me, tell me everything you're thinking, you have to get used to that." Jay told him and Jungwon nods.

This was his first step to actually healing, being honest and speaking in how he felt. He had been having nightmares, panic attacks, and traumatic episodes.

He didn't trust any man touching him except Jay, which made it hard since Jungwons main doctor was a male.

"I know. I love you." Jungwon said, his tummy feeling with butterflies, still not used to saying it out loud to Jay.

"I love you too peach, always." Jay tells him kissing him on the forehead again making Jungwon smile a little, very little.

"I'm ready to actually kiss now." Jungwon said as Jay looks at him. "Are you sure? It's only been a few days." Jay asked and Jungwon nods.

"You'd never be the cause of a trigger, I know your touch too well. It helps me feel better." Jungwon told him honestly, blushing a bit as Jay nods, happy he doesn't cause Jungwon any triggers.

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