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Rachel ran back in the direction to where she last the others

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Rachel ran back in the direction to where she last the others. She needed to figure out what was going on now. What was the plan now? How are the going to stop Audrey? 

When Rachel burst through the trees to the cottage, the blonde teen stopped in terror.

Her friends.





All of them, frozen to stone.

"No," Rachel's voice was a whisper.

She ran over and looked over at all of them. She stood in front of Jay. Her eyes are saddening as she examines the stone that is Jay, her eyes move to the ground and noted that Dude was also turned to stone. Her eyes going to Carlos.

Tears flooding her eyes.

She shakes her head.

She moves her gaze to Evie.

Then lastly her eyes land on Ben.

"Ben," She sobs.

She reaches out and places her hand on his shoulder. She looks at the stoned shoulder and then to the stoney eyes that used to be hazel-green.

"I- I can't do this without you," Rachel said, "I can't do anything without you. You- You tell me I am the one who is full of wisdom and sage advice, but- but Ben-,"

Rachel shakes her head as tears expel from her eyes.

"You- You're far more wise than me. I- I mean look at you." Rachel sadly chuckles, "You're the king for crying out loud. You- You want to reunite the Isle with the people of Auradon, that- that is far more that I've done."

Rachel closes her eyes as tears escape her eyes.

She kept her hand on Ben.

"Flower gleam and glow," She began to sing.


"Let your power grow," She still sings.

Still nothing.

Rachel opens her eyes.

"Please," Rachel sobs.

Rachel shakes her head.

"Please," She said.

Suddenly, Rachel heard a loud blast in the distance. Her eyes, still wet from her tears, turned to the direction. The school. She saw glowing beams in the sky and then what appeared to be the shadowy figure of Mal in her dragon form.

Rachel looked back at the stone figures of her friends and then to the direction of the school. 

"I gotta go, Ben." She said, "I'll figure a way to bring you all back, but first- I gotta help Mal in any way."

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