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Rachel was in her dorm room

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Rachel was in her dorm room. She was sitting on her bed, she had taken off her leather jacket and collapsed onto the bed. She stared at the ceiling.

Was Ben right?

Was she too afraid to feel anything to Jay because she doesn't want to lose what they have.

In utter frustration, Rachel grabbed her pillow and pulled it over her face. She screamed into the pillow and frowns.

She stopped screaming when she heard a knock at her door. She sat up and wondered if it was Ben coming back to apologize.

"Go away, Ben-!" Rachel threw the pillow at the door.

"Uh," It wasn't Ben's voice, "It's Jay."

Rachel froze. She was terrified to even move.

She stood up, "Uh um- come in."

The door opens and as Jay opens the door, it pushed the pillow to the side of the room. Jay looked at the pillow and then looked up at Rachel.

"Bad time?" Jay asks.

Rachel shakes her head, "No. Not a bad time." She says, "Just a lot going on."

Jay nods and crossed his arms over his chest, "Yeah."

Rachel looks at him, "What are you doing here?"

Jay shrugs his shoulders, "I wanted to check on you. I was in the neighborhood anyways." He says.

Rachel gives him a smirk, "Oh really?"

Jay nods and steps into the room, "Yeah. I made Lonnie captain of the team so she can be on the team."

"What?" Rachel was shocked.

Jay nods with a smile, "The team is suppose to be made up of a captain and eight men. Technically, I didn't break the rules." He says.

Rachel had a smile on her face, "That's amazing, Jay." She says and bit her lip for a moment before saying, "Can I- uh ask you something?"

Jay looks at her all serious like, "Yeah?"

"Is there a reason why you didn't want to ask anyone to the Cotillion?" She asks.

Jay shrugs, "I mean, I am quite popular with the ladies here but there is one girl that I like that I'm not sure if she likes me back."

Rachel's face falls for a second before smiling, "Jay, if you like someone tell them. I mean, if someone passes up the chance to go with you clearly don't like you in a way you deserve." She says.

Jay nods looking down and then back at her, "Ye- Yeah."

There was an awkward silence between the two of them, they shifted from their stance and looking at each other.

"I should uh- go," Jay says, "I have a fitting to get to for Evie."

Jay heads back toward the door. Rachel follows behind him, she sort of walks him to the door to say goodbye.

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