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Rachel and Ben were being shoved by some of Uma's pirates

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Rachel and Ben were being shoved by some of Uma's pirates. Rachel glanced back, glaring at the ones pointing a sword to not only her back but Ben's back as well.

They were at a pirate ship. A pirate ship on a dock.

Garrett stepped next to his prisoner, "Forward, Blondie." Garrett says pointing his sword at her.

Rachel glares but steps forward.

She and Ben cross the bridge that connects the pirate ship to the dock. Once on the ship, Harry took Ben away to tie him up, while Rachel stood with Garrett and some other pirates.

She really couldn't do anything, she had her hands tied up.

Garrett walked around her, studying her.

"I will say, you don't seem too fragile for a princess." Garrett says.

Rachel glanced at him when he finally stopped in front of her. She shakes her head and smirks lightly at him.

"And you're not what I pictured for the son of the woman who kidnapped my mom," Rachel says.

Garrett's smirk faded and then turned to Rachel with a glare. Rachel kept her composure, as Garrett took steps forward to her. When he stopped, he was in her face.

"Oh really," The smirk appeared back on Garrett's face, "What did you picture?"

Rachel glanced around at the pirates still armed with swords and then back to Garrett, "I pictured you'd be older, like really old. Like your mother."

Garrett smirks and steps back. He let out a light chuckle before turning back to Rachel, he pulls out his sword and points it at her. To which, like prior, she doesn't move. Instead she kept her eyes on him.

"Clearly you didn't get Rapunzel's innocence. You got that stupid theft's personality." Garrett says.

Rachel raised her eyebrow, "Looks like it." She says.

Garrett kept his eyes on her for a few more seconds, before darting away to see Harry coming over. Likely, to ask why she wasn't tied up like King Ben is. When Rachel turned her head to notice Harry, she felt Garrett grab her arm and forcefully drag her in the same direction as Ben.


Harry and Uma haven't returned. That left Garrett and Gil, with some other pirates with their hostages.

Garrett glanced over, he was leaning against a railing fixing his hair away from the hostages and Gil, and watched Gil talk to the two.

It seems that Gil was rambling on nonsense, mostly about how his father is still into Ben's mother. Not surprising, Gaston never let's things go.

Garrett forced himself off the railing and walked over to help watch the prisoners like he was ordered to do. It was a stupid job, they weren't going anywhere.

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