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Rachel marched through the forest

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Rachel marched through the forest. She saw some snapped twigs and branches. She glanced at the claw marks on the tree trunks she past. She reached out and touched it, and then looked in the direction it was heading in.

"He's that way," Rachel says.

Rachel untied the flannel from her waist and slipped it back on, wincing as she slipped her arm that had the wound through the sleeve.

She looked at the wound from the bandana and through the claw marks on the flannel. She saw some blood on her arm but then looked forward.

"Can't slow down," She says, "Gotta find Ben."


"Ben!" Mal calls out.

The group was inside the castle. Mal was leading the walk forward, however, Dude, being the dog, took lead.

"This way," Dude says.

Dude turns around a corner that was the opposite of where Mal was going. Mal sighs and then follows after him. As Mal follows so does the rest of the group.

"Ben could be asleep anywhere," Evie says.

"Or turned to stone," Jay says.

Mal frowns, "I know," She says.

Dude halts and sniffs in the hallway, causing everyone to wait for Dude to find a scent.

"Ben-!" Mal calls out.

"I got a scent," Dude says, "Very pungent cologne. Easy to track. Follow me, people."

Carols smiles, "That's great, Dude."

The gang follows the mutt down the halls of the castle.

"FYI, I give great cuddles, too." Dude says to the group.

Gil looks down at Dude impressed, "Really? I never had a pet growing up."

Garrett glanced at Gil as Gil then nudges Garrett.

"Oh wait," Gil remembers, "We did have that elk head in Dad's man cave, but that wasn't-,"

Uma glanced at the walls and then noticed scratch marks that seemed to be made by something scary, dangerous even. She nudges Harry, who stopped with her.

"Hold up," Uma says.

Mal impatiently turns, "What?"

"What's this?" Uma asks.

The crew turn and take in what Uma had pointed out. This seemed to make Mal even worried about Ben. Jay wondered if Rachel had been here during whatever happened here.

"Any chance this was already there?" Garrett asks.

Jay shakes his head.

"Let's continue," Evie says.

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