Chapter 37: I Liked You First

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Playlist for this Chapter: Bad Blood by Taylor Swift, Willow by Taylor Swift.

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Nico finally pulled away and smirked. I turned my head and glanced at Liam who just stared at us with wide eyes.

"You're with him?" He asked me in disbelief and I sighed, nodding.

"Yes, he's my boyfriend." I said with a firm tone.

"But he—he's not a good person Dove!" Liam suddenly stood up and I frowned.

"And I have a feeling you know that, don't you?"

"I know everything about him, Liam, but I choose to be with him because that's what I want. He's not a bad person." I said this and Nico smiled at me while Liam just sighed in frustration.

"But he hurt you. You should've seen yourself when you came here, and you still want to be with him?" He asked me and I sighed.

"We're working on it, not that its any of your business." I said and Liam just shook his head.

"And you wear their family crest, why?" He asked us and I crossed my arm over my chest.

Because I want to, duh?

"Because she's mine." Nico deadpanned and both Liam and I looked at him.

"She's not an object you can claim." Liam said.

"I know, which is exactly why you should let her decide who she wants to be with." Nico told him and Liam just looked at him speechless.

"And what about me Dove? Do I not make you happy?" He asked me.

"Liam, we've been friends for so long now." I told him and he released a shaky breath.

"That's not what I meant, Dove." He chuckled humourlessly and ran his hand through his hair in frustration while I frowned.

"I liked you, Dove, so much. But I was afraid of ruining our friendship so I never asked you out." He looked at me and I frowned at him. 

"There is no us, Liam, there never was and never will be. That's all in the past." I said firmly but he wouldn't have it. I didn't want to lead him on and make him think he had a chance, that would be too painful, because I didn't want to hurt him anymore than he already was.

"He's not good for you, and we both know it." He said and walked out of the kitchen while I just sat there, speechless.

Sure I liked Liam back in high school, but that's all it was. A crush. Nothing more. And right now, my heart was only yearning for one person. Nico. So Liam will just have to get over it because I sure as hell am over him.

Good God what is wrong with my life?

I turned around to face Nico getting up from the stool, I put my arms around him. He stiffened at first but then he relaxed and pulled me closer, putting his arms around me, nuzzling his face in my hair.

"Do you regret it?" He asked me in a dark tone.

"Regret what?" I asked him and he sighed.

"Being with me?" He said and I pulled away from him frowning.

"No Nico, I don't regret being with you and if you think otherwise, I'm going to have to smack some sense nto you, or have Jake do it for me." I said and he closed his eyes, sighing in relief.

"I was worried for a second there." He whispered and hugged me again. 

"You know I'm dangerous and yet you still want to be with me. Thank you, for always looking for the good in me when I am anything but." He said and I shook my head with a small smile.

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