Chapter 53: All I want is You

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Playlist for this Chapter: Believe by The Score.

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- N I C H O L A S - A C E - K I N G -

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- N I C H O L A S - A C E - K I N G -

"I'm here, it's okay, I'm here now." I whispered, rubbing her back as she shivered violently and cried into my chest for a good while.

What the fuck happened?

I felt her body go limp in my arms and I shook her gently, but she didn't respond.


I checked her pulse, which was incredibly fast so I shook her again, rubbing her cheek.

"Dove, baby, open your eyes. My love, open your eyes, please." I shook her but no avail and panic rose within me when I shouted.

"Jake! Stuart! Where the fuck is everyone?" I yelled when Stuart rushed in, alarmed when he saw me.

"Call the doctor now!" I ordered when he took out his phone as a came rushing into my room and Stuart joined after a few moments.

"What the hell happened?" Stuart crouched beside me worried.

"She— she's not waking up. She won't wake up, she can't hear me." I said in a daze when he put a hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

"Snap out of it, she just fainted. She'll wake up, don't worry." He said while Adriana rubbed Dove's cold hands to make her warmer.

"She's as cold as ice right now." She whispered, holding her hands as the doctor came rushing inside.

"Hurry." Stuart said as as the doctor checked her pulse and shone a torch in her eyes. A while went by as I held her in my arms while the doctor checked her.

Adriana sat fidgeting with her hands and Stuart sat beside her when the doctor finally turned to look at me.

"She had a panic attack in her sleep which is why she fainted. It seems to have impacted her brain heavily and she seems to be facing some major trauma."

"I'd suggest you get her checked thoroughly but for the while I've given her medicine and put it by the table."

"Give it to her every 24 hours with water. She'll wake up in a few hours since she hasn't relaxed completely yet." He said and I nodded curtly. Stuart got up and escorted the doctor out while I went to sit beside her.

Her forehead was covered in sweat and her skin was ice cold. I held her hand and kissed it gently, feeling a hand on my shoulder and saw Adriana who had a worried look.

"She'll be okay, don't worry." She whispered but I didn't bother answering. This was all my fault anyway.

"This is all my fault." I grunted as Stuart came in.

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