Chapter 72: Grey

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Playlist of this Chapter: The Great War by Taylor Swift.

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- D O V E - W I N C H E S T E R -

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- D O V E - W I N C H E S T E R -

- O N E - Y E A R - A G O -

When I woke up, my vision was blurry and it took me a while to get my thoughts straight and my heart immediately dropped when I remembered everything.

All the blood.

The sound of a gunshot.

The dead man.

I sat up with a jolt but instantly regretted it when dizziness overcame me and pain shot through my body. I looked around to see I was in the same room as before, except it was night out now.

Slowly, I made my way into the bathroom and looked in the mirror only to be horrified.

There was a cut on cheek and my lip was busted. One side of my face was swollen and I remembered Giovanni slapping me as my fingers hovered over the small but visible bruise.

Tears streamed down my face freely as I cried quietly for god knows how long long.

It was only when I heard the door of my room open did I quickly wash my face and run my hands through my hair before stepping outside, trying to appear normal.

"Oh, you're finally awake!" Gabriella stepped in with a glass of water and medicine and handed it to me. I eyed the medicine warily, refusing to take it in fear it might be something completely different.

"It's just medicine, cara mia, to help with the pain." (My dear) She said softly when I nodded, taking them from her and downing the water in one go.

Let's just hope I don't die now.

"Two maids will join you shortly and they will help in getting you ready. Please don't do anything that might upset the Master." She said and I gave her a confused look.

"Ready? For what?" I asked her suspiciously.

"The Master is taking you out for dinner. He is truly sorry for hurting you, so he wants to make up for it." She said and I scoffed.

"What makes him think I'd go with a monster like him? Tell him I said no." I huffed, making the woman sigh.

"I don't think you have much of a choice, dear, you have to do as he says. He may be ruthless, but give him a chance." She said with a small yet sympathetic smile.

"Who knows what the future might bring." She exclaimed when I looked at her in disbelief, my mouth opened in confusion.

Either his or my death, that much is for sure.

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