Chapter 60: The Guest

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Playlist for this Chapter: Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift, Enemy by The Score.

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- D O V E - W I N C H E S T E R -

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- D O V E - W I N C H E S T E R -

I stood there frozen, Nico's reassuring smile faded when he realized I wasn't looking at him.

"What a sight." His voice echoed as he clapped his hands.

Nico turned around, tearing his gaze from my terrorized face and to the man behind, his lips curling in distaste.

"Is she going to walk down the stairs now? And I assume you'll be waiting for her at the bottom ready to whisk her away, right?" He chuckled, an evil grin on his face as his gaze finally landed on me.

"Hello, darling. We meet once again." Giovanni said, his voice echoing in the quiet hall and making chills run down my spine. My steps faltered as I walked backwards slowly.

Just then he whipped his gun out from his back and pointed it at me, and all the men with Nico including his cousins and uncles pointed their guns at Giovanni, including Nico.


However, Giovanni wasn't alone. He had an equal number of men behind him all pointing their guns at me.

"Leave, Dove." I heard Nico's cold voice from below but he didn't look at me. Valentino grabbed my arm and pulled me up but we froze in place when a gunshot was heard.

"The girl will stay." Giovanni said and looked at me.

"Come down, darling. Or your sweet Nico dies." He gestured to Nico and now half his men pointed their guns at Nico and half at me.

"No." Nico said coldly, my skin covered with goose bumps at how detached and powerful he sounded, as if had no emotion as I pulled way from Valentino.

"Dove, leave now." Jake's voice resounded in the hall when Giovanni glanced at him bored.

"Oh, hello brother, didn't see your there." He told Jake who scowled.

"I'm not your brother. Not anymore." Jake said but Giovanni shook his head.

"Alright, alright, no need to get feisty." He said and looked at me again and cocked his head to the side as his eyes raked over my body.

"I see you're still the same, darling. I can see why Ace is so infatuated with you." He said but Nico growled.

"Keep your eyes off her or I'll gauge them out. You came to talk, let's talk." Nico said.

"Oh, but I came for one thing only," He said and glanced at me intently, "Her.

Just as he said that, someone suddenly knocked Valentino out from behind and grabbed my arm.

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