Chapter 65: Sacrifices

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Playlist for this Chapter: Believe by The Score

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- J A K E - K N I G H T -

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- J A K E - K N I G H T -

I've never seen him cry and not once in my life have I seen him show any emotion like he did today.

But this girl, she changed him so much that I look at him as his body trembles violently as he prays for her life, turning a sinner into a saint as his lips tremble.

He let us see his weakened side proudly, to show us how much his woman meant to him as he stayed locked in Stefano's embrace, finding solace and comfort in his family.

Minutes passed and when he finally calmed down, I saw him stumble a bit but luckily Matteo and I were quick to steady him as we called for a doctor who sedated him to make him relax.

"How bad is it?" Salvatore asked me when I shook my head.

"Less chance of survival." I told him, watching him nod grimly.

"What happened, really?" Matteo came over to us with a frown when I sighed.

"She was shot three times, twice in the stomach and once in the chest when she was shielding Ace with her body to save him." I said when everyone looked at me confused.

"Wasn't he wearing a bulletproof vest?" Stefano asked me when I nodded.

"He was, but she didn't know that, did she?" I spoke in a quiet voice and saw them look away.

"They were going to shoot him but she jumped in front of him." Stuart explained as Adriana pressed herself closer to him, tears streaming down her face as she cried silently.

In my whole life, I've seen some excellent loyal people. But Dove, she's one of a kind.

Her love and her loyalty to protect the one she loves is beyond explanation. She is a remarkable person and I can surely say that there is no one like her, at least not that I know of.

"We have to inform her family." Adriana suddenly said and we all looked at each other in a worry.

"This isn't going to be easy, but we have to wait for Ace to wake up. We need to talk to talk to him before we do anything." I started, running my hand over my face thoughtfully.

"Her family was already against them being together so it's better to ask Ace first." I suggested and they all nodded solemnly.

I walked into the private room to check on Ace and saw an I.V attached to his wrist when I realised we needed more security here. I quickly took out my phone and dialled Marcello.


"Prendi il terzo piano dell'ospedale dove siamo vuoti, aumenta la sicurezza dentro e fuori. Voglio che i nostri uomini siano ovunque e che nessuna persona sospetta entri in ospedale. Fatto?" I told him.

(Get the third floor of the hospital where we are empty, increase security inside and outside. I want our men everywhere and no suspicious people are to enter the hospital. Got it?)

"Consideralo fatto, capo." (Consider it done, boss) He said and I hung up, looking at Ace's sleeping form. I've never seen him like this and it scared the fuck out of me.

I just hope everything goes back to the way it was.

I really hope Dove survives. She's changed us all so much like a breath of fresh air. Just then Stuart came in and looked at Ace with a frown.

"Doctors said he was under a lot stress which was why he's so weak." He said when I glanced at him briefly and nodded.

"He doesn't like hospitals, get him moved to the house." I told Stuart who nodded once with one last look at Ace before going out. 

This was up to me now. Like it or not, I was Ace's successor till he had an heir of age.

I didn't want it, I never did, but I was given this responsibility by Ace and his father in case something ever happened.

Something like this, I thought heavily.

I would have to be strong now. For Ace, for Dove, and for everyone else who was counting on me right now as I wrung my hands together nervously, my past flashing before my eyes the longer I looked at Ace.

"Can you believe how far we've come?" I spoke in the quiet room and swallowed thickly, "From playing games together to playing games against each other."

I reminisced about our happier past. Although it wasn't any less than gruesome considering who we were and what our families were involved in, we were still kids and had a positive outlook on life.

For us, life was all about enjoying, eating good food, playing all day and then dreaming big dreams all night.

Who knew three boys— closer than brothers— who would give their lives up for each other were now at each other's throats, trying to end the others lives?

After a long time, I thought about our past— my past— and sighed heavily as I looked warily around the bland hospital room.

"Funny how we play with death everyday, provoking it and asking it to come take us but here we are, fighting it to give us another chance so we could see another sunrise, steal one more kiss, or smile one last time before it's all over." I whispered as my fingers traced the gun attached to my belt.

"I know you two will be alright," I looked at Ace's relaxed figure as I patted his arm with a sly smirk, "I really fucking hope you are or I'll end you again."

Smiling, I shook my head at the absurdity of my thoughts as I took a deep breath and held my head high, walking out of the room to give my first order: Catch that son of a bitch.

And I won't rest till I do.

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