Chapter 39: Trouble

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Playlist for this Chapter: Getaway Car by Taylor Swift, Breathin' by Ariana Grande.

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- D O V E - W I N C H E S T E R -

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- D O V E - W I N C H E S T E R -

I was startled awake when I heard the clattering of pans and groaned in frustration, burying my face in Nico's chest so drown out the noise and the light.

Wait, Nico's chest?

I looked up slowly and realized I was in Nico's arms, my back pressed against the back of the couch and my face buried in his chest.

He was still asleep, his features more warm and relaxed, like he wasn't a mafia leader or could kill anyone within the blink of an eye.

Yup, that was still quite unbelievable to me.

"Enjoying the view?" I heard someone's voice and looked at Nico, but he was still asleep so I looked up and saw Cole looking down at us with a smirk.

My eyes widened in realization as I sat up quickly, causing Nico to fall from the couch and onto the floor. He woke with a start, rubbing his shoulder at the impact.

"What the fuck?" He said and glanced around the room and back at me.

"Oof, I'm so sorry!" I got off the couch and helped him stand up. He waved his hand in dismissal and in annoyance then looked at me meaningfully, raising two fingers.

"Two times, I've been thrown off the couch by you. Two times." He said and shook his head while I smiled sheepishly at him.

"Sorry." I whispered and shot him a smile he wouldn't be able to resist. And he couldn't because he turned around just as I saw the smile tugging at his lips before he mumbled something in Italian.

"Solo tu hai l'audacia di buttarmi giù dal divano. E due volte adesso." (Only you have the audacity to throw me off the couch. And twice now.) He said and scrolled through his phone.

"You're Italian?" My dad asked him in surprise as he came out from the kitchen holding a cup of coffee.

"Yes, I moved here with my family when I was younger." He told my dad who nodded. I took this opportunity to quickly slip away to my room and brushed my teeth then put on some jeans and a sweater.

My gaze drifted off to a black sweatshirt in a corner and I took it out, my gaze sweeping over the large letters on the back.

I inhaled its scent. It still smelled like him. Smiling, I put this one on and headed downstairs after pulling my hair into a ponytail.

When I reached down, Nico was already dressed up in a charcoal grey suit and tie, talking to someone on the phone in Italian.

He seemed frustrated and angry, because he hung up and tossed his phone on the couch, running his hands through his hair.

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