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Lizzie's POV:

The Queen of the Ocean miserably watched the pristine white dragon of the Crystal Cliffs leap into the sky above.

As far as her under informed self was aware, the emperor's who had accompanied her on dragon-back had departed from the Crystal Cliffs without a second thought.

And so, yet again, she was back at the beginning.

The beginning, where she had been left all alone.

Lizzie sat herself down on the Wizardry Academy's steps, gazing at the puffy, cotton candy clouds rolling out over an endless blue sky, as her thoughts spiralled into a disarrayment of worry and anxiety.

Where is that second dragon?

Her fear spiking and heart racing, the Fish Goddess felt panic get a hold.

She couldn't help but think that the Codfather and the King of Mezalea - the two people across the whole continent who she would've traded her life for - are nowhere to be found.

Only six of the twelve emperors (including herself) had ridden the dragon which safely delivered them back to the Academy.

The only one that made it back to the academy, her mind taunted.

"That isn't what happened." she muttered, tightening her hands into fists and feeling her nails pierce into her scales. "I refuse to accept that as their fate."

There was no doubting that Lizzie was relieved by the presence of Sausage, Katherine, fWhip, Pix and Scott, of course. If anything, she was grateful that she wasn't alone in the thought of gaining back everything they had lost.

Yet, it still made her contemplate and worry about where the rest of the rulers were.

Surprise rippled through the Empress of the Sea as she felt a hand rest upon her shoulder. Lizzie turned around to face the figure, and her gaze locked with a pair of cyan eyes - Scott Major, the King of Rivendell.

"You know," the Elven King began, the anxiety scribbled all over his face seeping into his Scottish accent. "I'm worried too,"

He sat down beside the pink-haired woman, looking extremely grave - and extremely short.

Lizzie tried to take pity on him.

She really did.

After all, Jimmy and the majority of his friends were on that dragon.

But, even if it was just the smallest bit selfish, she really could not compare it to her own pain.

He hadn't swore an oath, bidding death to do Jimmy and Scott part. He hadn't been separated from Gem for centuries and had a mere couple of months to start over.

Her one and only short king and seabling had attempted to return on that dragon.

They were truly the only two things that held her back from snapping.

The Queen of the Ocean turned to Scott, nodding gravely. "The circumstances are quite dire," she agreed.

She paused for a moment, considering her options.

"Why don't you come with me to the Cod Kingdom to see if maybe their dragon came early?" she suggested. The desperation she was experiencing took over as she spoke the words, even though the trench in her heart was growing in an increase of pessimism.

His face, creased with worry, lit up like a glimmering beacon through the thick, foggy waters of the ocean, and guilt started to eat Lizzie inside out.

What if he isn't there?

Have I just filled Scott with false hope?

She drew a deep breath in in an attempt to regulate her spiralling thoughts, forcing a smile on her features.

Only time will tell.

Word Count: 1083

Hello! Whether you are rereading or are new, welcome to the first chapter of If I Can't Have You! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I am currently in the process of updating each chapter! 
Thanks for 4k reads! I cannot express my gratitude towards all of you! If you enjoyed, feel free to go check out my other books and my bio for more amazing content creators!

Well, that's it for now folks! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

As per usual, stay safe, spread love and of course, have fun!

I love and appreciate you all <3

~Fox Out!

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