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Jimmy's POV:

The Codfather's eyes felt heavy as he tried to pry them open, though anchors were pulling them down and anvils were atop them. His head was throbbing painfully; his heart was pounding apprehensively; his stomach was screaming relentlessly about how he was going to be sick; Where was he?

He shivered as the icy cold tiled floors seeped into his scales and his eyes opened, yet he couldn't decipher whether he was blinking in or out of consciousness.

His memories were faint, like a light at the end of a winding tunnel.


The wind tore through his hair as Jimmy laughed like the manchild he was. They were soaring through the open sky, back towards the Crystal Cliff's Academy, and the view was breathtaking. Jimmy wasn't certain if even the Central Tower to the Mezalean Matral Palace could compete with such beauty.

Abruptly, a chill ran down his spine and he immediately stopped laughing, and he looked back at the people behind him.

"You felt that, right?" he asked unsurely. But he didn't need an answer, because their shocked, apprehensive expressions told him everything. Gem; Pearl; Shelby; even Joey; they all seemed to have recognised that weird feeling. But when he looked back at Joel, he seemed...


It was as though he didn't just feel that change in mood as he smiled from ear to ear, holding his hands out grandly as they whipped at his arms.

Suddenly, a slicing sound cut through the air and the dragon dove downwards, faltering as it failed to take to the skies.

And then they fell.

Plummeted towards the ground.

It was all a blur.

Screaming. Crying. Panic.


And then darkness consumed him.


"Looks like the ridiculous cod boy is finally awake," a deep, monotonous voice called from the darkness, sending a similar feeling down Jimmy's spine. "The one stupid enough to fall for someone like my demon of a brother,"

The Codfather's anger rose.

"Scott isn't a demon," he hissed through his gritted teeth, biting his cheek so hard that he could taste blood to stop himself from wincing at the pain.

The voice cackled.

"Oh, Petal," the disembodied voice cried dramatically. "Yes, Sunflower?"

He let out another eerie cackle, followed by an amused scoff. Jimmy could essentially hear the eye roll as he snickered.

The fury coursing through his veins burned harder as he yelled out into the dim light of what he assumed was a dungeon.


He shuddered as his words started to sink in, rebounding throughout the cavernous dungeon.

For a split second, there was silence.

But the unmistakable thudding of footsteps approached, ringing in his ears as a flickering flame is brought to life.

The silhouette of a tall, slender figure with curling antlers that spiral out of his skull like smoke from a chimney stepped into the light - a menacing outline that Jimmy could only associated with one thing.

His apprehension rose unnervingly, attempting to stop his voice from quivering as he called out into the darkness "Step into the light,"

A deep, eerie laugh echoed throughout the dungeon, putting Jimmy on edge.

"As you want, Codboy," he drawled. "But be careful what you wish for..."

Word Count: 526

Hello my lovelies! Just reformatting the book so that there's a singular POV per chapter. I hope you all enjoyed! <3333

~Fox Out

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