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Long time, no see, huh?

Y'all have been waiting, and I've been producing over the past couple of days, but here it is!

This is my longest chapter yet, so have fun reading!

Joey's POV:

And there he was.

He looked upset.

What should I do?

I'm not the type to go heart-to-heart with.

His face was shrouded by guilt, his eyes motionless except for the flickering colour.

It reminded me of some sort of glitch.

Teal to red, to teal again.

He looked paralysed.

Like some sort of paralysis snake had bit him.

It was something out of a fantasy.

"Xornoth," my first word is, and I realise how much of a mistake that was.

"What do you mean, Xornoth, Joey?" Gem rounded on me.

I couldn't hide my theories anymore.

Even if they were stupid.

"I think Xornoth is currently uncorrupted,"

Everyone let out an exasperated sigh and Gem raised an eyebrow and said in a tired voice "What do you mean, 'uncorrupted'?"

Thank god they're willing to hear me out.

Or, at least, one of them.

"Well, Scott is currently flashing in and out of whatever corruption that is," I look at Scott in concern, but the ruler is still the same. "But Scott said something about being a 'Champion' of some kind of elven god-"

"Aeor," Gem corrected, and I let out an exasperated huff. "And the other one is Exor," she adds.

I nod.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes again. "The Elven God Exor had control of Xornoth. If he is the source of the corruption, and Scott is all 'alter ego' of the original version of him, shouldn't that mean Xornoth is released from his corruption?"

A look of mild confusion was evident on everyone's faces.

That must have been the most complicated, not-straightforward phrase I have ever spoken in my life.



Gem's Canadian accent speaks, cancelling out my bad habit of intrusive thoughts, and I'm immediately intrigued by the answer she's going to give me.

"Makes sense?"

The confusion in her tone hurt just a bit. It was like saying 'Wow?! Joey said something smart! It's a miracle!'.

But it also felt good knowing that the smartest person in all the twelve kingdoms agreed with me - and also didn't pick up on that.

"So," Pix spoke, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "We're agreeing that Xornoth isn't corrupted?"

Was he even listening?

"It's not confirmed," Gem spoke with uncertainty. "But Joey's explanation definitely is a valid theory."

"Well," Pearl snorted. "That's a first,"

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