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fWhip's POV:

My cheeks are wet with tears as I gaze out the window, trying to figure out what I have to do to save Gem.


"Just go get help!" she pleaded. "Look at me, fWhip! You know that I need Scott!"

"He did this to you, Gem!" I yell. "You and I are twins. If I lose you, I lose part of me too! I don't need his help! I can figure this out!"


My breathing gets heavier.

It was that foolish mistake that cost Gem.

It cost me too.

One of Scott's messenger owls - Orion, I believe is its name - flies through the window.

I give the owl a quick pet, feeling his soft, fluffy white feathers brush against my sweaty hands.

I quickly pull the note clutched in his talons away from him and say "Thanks bud," before untying the decorative teal ribbon.

Dear Count fWhip,

It has come to my attention that many of us including Queen Lizzie, Lady Katherine, Lord Sausage and myself have received our drugged and sedated friends on our doorsteps'.

We presume you have Wizard Geminitay of the Crystal Cliffs.

Please bring her to the Overgrown's House Blossom, owned by Lady Katherine of the Overgrown at sunrise tomorrow.


Kind Regards,

King Scott of Rivendell

"Scott?" I spat, my nose wrinkling in disgust. "This is one of Pix's brilliant ideas, isn't it? Another meeting? Did they think about how I'll carry Gem through a mountain range?

No reply.

"The answer was no, by the way," I wasn't sure who I was talking to. Maybe I'm just hoping that Gem's listening.

I take another wistful glance at Gem.

They won't be able to help her, I tell myself firmly. And even if they can, I refuse to take their help.

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