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His consciousness washed back like the gentle tide as Joel blinked in a daze, opening his eyes and having met the sight of a blurred surrounding. A hand was gouging into his stiff jawbone with a vigorous strength that put him under the thought that the mysterious entity wanted to tear it out, and he could only describe the state of his throat as broken, so much so that the breath pumping through his lungs started to sting like daggers digging into his flesh.

His fuzzy vision began to clear, and he locked eyes with a familiar face.
"J-Jimmy?" he croaked, his voice hoarse and throat constricting in pain.

Where are we?

The King of Mezalea realised that the blonde's Codfather Head was atop his head on a lopsided slant, of which he found strange.

Jim would never disrespect how he wore that thing, Joel thought, confusion and apprehension beginning to take hold.

It was then that he realised that the Codfather's eyes were glazed over in an unmistakable expression of fear.

And most peculiar of all:

He was peering at the brunette.


He was peering at something behind the brunette.

A shiver ran down his spine at the thought, and accordingly the Mezalean King shuddered.

No, he told himself firmly in a scolding voice inside his head. Shuddering is for the weak.

Joel unconvincingly persuaded himself that no one was there.

But then what was Jimmy looking at?

"Joel?" Jimmy asked, his voice quiet and wavering. He raised a quivering finger to the space beside the sharp pain piercing my jawbone. "Can't you see him?"

The blonde fell into silence again, and the brunette did the same, listening intently to the sounds around him whilst trying to figure out what sort of nonsense his brother-in-law was talking about.

Abruptly, a pain shot through his neck, gleaming beads of blood blooming on his skin as a knife suspended in midair pressed against his throat.
"Don't press it any closer to his throat, Xornoth," Jimmy warned in a low tone, glaring at the empty space beside me with such ferocity. The King of Mezalea's head felt light and airy and fuzzy, not making any sense as small spots danced in his vision. The scarlet blood dribbled down his neck, staining his Royal Mezalean attire with an ugly ruby red, tasting of bitterness and iron.

The Codfather's eyes widened in an unmistakable look of horror sparking in his dark brown eyes and leaving Joel gasping for air, fighting in a sea that threatened to consume him with dread.
Jimmy's voice broke through his head, followed by a searing pain shooting through his skull as the wooden bat aimed straight at his head collided with his now-unconscious form.

Word Count: 435

Hello my lovelies! Just reformatting the book so that there's a singular POV per chapter. I hope you all enjoyed! <3333

~Fox Out

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