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Scott's POV:

"They aren't going to come, Katherine," I whisper.

Pix looks up, parting from his thoughts.

"Why do you say that, Scott?" he asks curiously, and I bite back a yell.

Katherine looks at me curiously, obviously wanting to know the answer.

"fWhip isn't happy with me for allying with the Codfather. And Lizzie..."

A feeling of guilt starts to eat me inside out. Again.

"What about Lizzie, Scott?"

Kindness is sugar coated in Katherine's voice, and Lizzie's words come back to me.

We're both nightmares, but you're dressed as a daydream.

Ashamed tears burned in my eyes.

"I don't know what happened!" I wailed. "I was feeling a stampede of negative emotions, and it just-"

"I hate to interrupt," Pix apologised for cutting in. "But what exactly did you say to her?"


"It's not important," I mumble, suddenly very interested in looking down at Katherine's flooring choices.

Katherine sighed.

"We're not going to criticise you," she whispered, taking my wrist in her hand. "We just want to save them,"

But my gut was telling me that by the time I finished the story that wouldn't be the same.

You should leave,

A deep, monotonous voice rings in my head, reminding me significantly of Xornoth.


You've hurt your friends. You've hurt fWhip. You've hurt Lizzie. You've even hurt your best friend Gem. Why haven't you left yet?

Because they need me, I call out into the darkness.


They know.

It's because you need them.

How did they know that?

Your friends are goners because of you, Scott Major.

I take a steadying breath.

They aren't, I say, mostly to myself.

They aren't, they aren't, they aren't.

Stubborn little elf.

Okay then.

Why don't you go ask Joel?

I close my eyes, tears welling up.

Or Joey.

Your good friend Shelby, maybe.

STOP! I cry.

It's no use.

Maybe ask Pearl? I know she's wise enough.

Be QUIET! I snap.

Or maybe, just maybe, go ask your precious little Jimmy.

My heart stops.

Your sweet little flower husband.

I take a quivering breath in.

You've stripped away everyone's loved ones, King.

I bite my lip.

He's right, I realise.

I'm the problem here.

Lizzie was right, Scott. You need to leave.




Do it while you still can.

Never to be seen again.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, the voice was right.

And so, without turning back, I beat my wings and leapt into the night.

If I Can't Have You... | Empires Smp S1Where stories live. Discover now