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Lizzie's POV:

I did not want to see Scott again.

He was corrupted. He was.

But it won't quench my thirst of wanting to throw him off that cliff again.

I almost wished it did.

Because now, Jimmy hates me.

Honestly speaking, I'm pretty sure everyone hates me.

If not, they are at least going to keep their distance.

If Joel found out, hell would break loose.

I've lost everyone.

I can't afford to lose him too.

I look down at him.

His jaw was clenched in pain, and his whole body was shivering. Shaking.

He was ice.

He felt like a blizzard whipping at my face.

I didn't like it.

He was supposed to be warm.

My joyful, hot husband-for-life.

"I wonder if an axolotl mates for life?"

Scott's voice still taunted me.

It didn't matter, whether we did or didn't.

I would have stayed a widow forever.

His signature lime streak through his hair was being consumed by white.

Even the scorched and bone-dry mesa couldn't ease his pain.

My scales felt dry, crawling with sand and baking in the boiling sun.

I hadn't ever been in the sun for this long.


Especially not in the mesa.

I probably could pass out from all the heat.


I probably will pass out from all the heat.

But I won't leave his side.

I swore on it.

I still remember that day, as bright as the moon glimmering in the clear night sky...


"Do you promise to love, and cherish, and give as much prismarine as this man could ever need?" Joey said with a teasing smile on his face.

"I do," Lizzie replied, gazing into his eyes. The past had all happened so fast, and yet she didn't forget a single second of it.

"Well," Joey said with authority, regality and love in his voice.

"By the power invested in me - which is not much - I now pronounce you, man and wife!"

And then they'd shared a kiss, watched a firework display set up by fWhip and took a picture altogether.

"All the empires here together in harmony," Joey spoke wistfully.

"Look at us!" Joel exclaimed. "Who would've thought?"

"Not me!"

"Not me,"

"Not me!"


If only those days could have lasted forever.

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