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Joey's POV:

"Are we sure we can't watch the battle?" I ask for the millionth time.

We're soaring through the open sky, and I feel as light as a feather.

I watch Pix slowly facepalm beside me and Shubble hides her face as she breaks into a fit of giggles, whilst Jimmy lets out an irritated huff.

What's up with him?

"For the hundredth time Joey, no," Katherine called to me from the far side of Pix. "We are here to stop it, not watch it!"

I roll my eyes and yawn..

"Bla bla bla, whatever."

Katherine has always had patience. I can trust her not to get all hyped up at me. Not at all like that sea witch. I got my karma for stealing her axolotl, but she hasn't. When's hers gonna come along?

"Right Joey?" Pix's voice awakens me from my train of thoughts.


Pix eyerolls.

"This man," he says, shaking his head.

A smile lights up on Katherine's face, whilst Shelby is still shaking with laughter. I realise they've locked hands.

I wish Xornoth and I could be that,

I sigh wistfully, thinking of twisted realities that Xornoth and I could be in. My mind is straying, and soon we're on a snowy mountaintop - the place where Pix's Vigil thing said there'd be death.

And sure enough, I see Joel, shivering in a heap of magenta, brown and green, frost biting at his hair and nails and Scott victoriously looming over him.

"Oh, look Joel!" he exclaims, a smirk lighting up on his face.

"Look who else decided to join in on the fun!"

Oh, crap,

I cuss under my breath.

Looks like Lizzie's karma has arrived...

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