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A heavy thudding from my door echoes through the household.

Do I really have to get up? I ask myself. No reply.

If only Pearl was here to answer the question for me.

Pearl would've told me to get up in her beautiful Australian accent.

I missed her.

I lay limp on my couch with Bubbles, my pet dog, sprawled on top of me.

I smoothly scoop another spoonful of ice cream and gloomily look out the window.

"How could the world look so happy?" I mutter, aggressively shutting the blinds making Bubbles jump off my lap and yelp with surprise.

Another set of knocking meets my ears, and I roll my eyes.

"Needy," I scoff and grumble under my breath as I swing my legs over the side of the couch.

As I approach the door, trudging through the hallway, a mirror glints in disgust out of the corner of my eye.

I turn to it in confusion, and am met with a completely new face.

My hair is messy and ruffled, and dark circles are lurking under my tired eyes, whilst my Mythland attire is in a desperate need of a wash and ironing.

What's happened to me? I ask myself, quickly smoothing out my clothing and running a hand through my hair.

I smile in the mirror. The Sausage I knew smiles right back at me.

Well, at least to an extent.

No one's gonna notice, I tell myself.

As my hand clasps around the cold, smooth door handle, I take a deep breath in.

"Welcome to House Sausage!" I say in the most exuberant voice I can muster. "How can I he-"

My words drown out as I look out the door.

Her hair is a dirty blonde, messier than my hair a few minutes before.

Her normal kingdom's attire is ripped and dirty, damp with mud, as is her pale face.

Burns and bruises and blood and bones.

That's all I see.

"Sausage?" she mumbles, and I'm relieved - and surprised - that she can form full words.

She stumbles forward and I quickly stop her from falling onto the hard spruce floor.

Is this all a dream?

I can't believe my eyes, nor my ears.


If I Can't Have You... | Empires Smp S1Where stories live. Discover now