Full Blooded Elf Falls for a Half Elf

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Long ago, a prophecy was created in order to keep the peace between two species of elves: the full blooded elves must not bear feelings for any half elf, no matter what. The consequences? Both parties must be executed for all to see. That rule was kept unbroken for several hundred years, until it is to one day be broken. There is also another rule: if an elf child is to be born without magic or an ability, the child is to be thrown out should they not discover their ability at five. Harsh right? It was made in place by the high elf King Shinra, who firmly believes that half elves are useless, but one without magic is even more useless. One day, a full blooded elf couple gave birth to a half elf child, and right away, the mom was sentenced to death for her infidelity. The child however, was left on the porch of a half elf couple who already had two kin, but were more than happy to care for the child, unaware that she wasn't possibly never going to have magic. Two years prior to her birth, a full blooded elf boy was born. The two lived their lives, crossing each other's paths unknowingly. The boy, Sephiroth, grew up to be a fantastic warrior elf, leading his armies with pride. The night after every battle, Sephiroth would wind down by going to a local pub in his home village of Nibelheim, and drink the night away with his fellow warrior buddies Genesis and Angeal. One night, Sephiroth walked into the pub like he always did, with a group of lusting elves doing everything they could to get his attention. But as always, Sephiroth paid them no mind.

"Sephiroth! Over here!" Genesis, an auburn haired man, waved to him from the bar. Sephiroth smiled and approached the bar, joining the two friends that awaited him. The trio discussed things from their weapons, to how the king executed yet another half elf.

"I heard that the half elf who was executed kept a child hidden from the world. Rumor has it that that child never had magic abilities. Quite tragic, but honestly, I'd rather be thrown to the wolves than to grow up knowing I'll never have powers." Genesis gossiped.

"Whoever this half elf is, I'm sure they're already ashamed of themselves as it is. Although, I am quite curious as to what they look like." As if solving his curiosity, a hooded figure walks into the pub, taking a seat in the corner, hiding their face under the hooded cloak. Sephiroth had watched them, and by the looks of them, they were most likely a female. The chest mainly was a dead giveaway. He observed with curiosity as she was given a glass of ale. Who was this woman? Why was this the first time she's ever stepped into the pub? Sephiroth turned back around, occasionally looking over at her. He tried to keep his mind off of her, but for some reason, was unable to. He couldn't comprehend why, but her aura was quite intoxicating, and so was her strawberries and cream scent.

"You don't belong here girl!" Sephiroth turned to see a large minotaur yelling obscenities at the girl. His ears perked up, listening in. And that's when he heard the voice of an angel.

"I really don't want any trouble. I just want to drink in peace." My, what a heavenly voice. Sephiroth thought to himself.

"Oh yeah? With what drink?" Sephiroth knew what was about to occur. He stood up and stepped between the two, glaring the minotaur down before he was able to toss the girl's drink in her face.

"Just because you don't take kindly to us, doesn't mean you should take your anger out on this poor girl. Don't get your horns in a knot and fuck off. This is a peaceful pub, and I will not have you starting shit." The minotaur snorted and stormed off to the other side of the bar. He knew better than to fuck with a high ranked warrior elf.

"Are you alright?" He turned to face her, only to watch her leave. He decided to follow her, seeing that his friends weren't paying attention. He followed her out to an alley, where nobody could see her. She turned around and grabbed the sides of her hood, keeping her face concealed. She was in the darkest part of the alley, and Sephiroth was dying to see her face.

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