My Biker Boyfriend

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Valencia was only sixteen when she met him. She didn't mean to get herself into trouble. She knew it wasn't safe to walk home by herself at night due to all the gang activities taking place. However, she was also stubborn and reckless, despite her life being so dull and boring. She wished something would happen to her in a good way, but fate had something big planned for her. That night happened like any other night....

"I knew I should've taken up that ride from Vincent... now he's out of town, and I'm forced to walk home." Valencia mumbled to herself as she took the main streets home. She had stayed at a friend's house and studied, and by that, I mean she had a nap and lost track of time. She clutched her schoolbag close, looking around her. The streets were pretty much dead around this time of night. So, why doesn't she feel safe? In the distance, a group of motorcycles rode up to her, circling around her. Valencia gulped, watching them hop off their bikes. The biggest one pulled his helmet off, ruffling his blond mullet.

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