Cyberpunk Loved

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Sephiroth didn't remember much about his death. Except, of course, of how he died. They say when you die, your body gets cryogenically frozen, little machines modifying it until you're either partly human or full cyberpunk. This is exactly how he woke up, wires attached to his limbs, and a memory drive in his head. In a society such as this, you have to be prepared to fight for survival. All he remembered was holding a dying woman in his arms, her blood staining her wedding dress. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to utter her last goodbye. How did this happen anyway? Sephiroth had been wondering that for many years, as the memory replayed on a loop. Who was this woman to him, and what connection did she have with him? He couldn't even remember her name. All he knew was that he was shot from the back, falling into unconsciousness at the same time she did. Decades later, he met a group of people who were after the same thing: revenge on his father. He was the one who decided on who would stay dead and who would be enhanced.

"Sephiroth!" Huh? He snapped out of his thoughts, turning to his friend Cloud, who had been trying to talk to him.

"Huh? Sorry, I didn't hear what you said." Curse the woman on his mind.

"I said, are you thinking about her again?" Well, of course he was. There was no doubt about it. The woman who plagued him also shared a connection with the others, even more so with Vincent Valentine.

"I can't help it. I feel.... like we had something. I'm trying to piece it all together, but it's not making sense. She wore a wedding dress, and she was holding on to dear life. And it's strange because I keep dreaming about her, but yet my brain can't seem to put together any clues on who she is." He sighed, rubbing his temples in annoyance. One of his other friends, Vincent, only remembered nothing. When he died, he lost every bit of his memory and was only able to retain memory by certain smells.

"I know she was wearing a floral perfume, and her hair smelled like freshly picked strawberries. That was the last thing I smelled that day." He stared down at the floor of the bar. While they were all discussing their past life, an issue occurred at the facility Sephiroth was released from. A girl had escaped from the lab, already glitching from the lack of wires attached to her. Hundreds of guards were after her, following her all the way to the rooftop. The girl stood on the ledge of the building, barely out of breath. Her crimson eyes burned from the cold wind hitting her face.

"Get back here! There's nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide! Surrender now!" One of the guards yelled out, all of them pointing their guns at her. The girl looked down at the ground below. Could she survive this? Could she die? Fuck it, anything was better than being tested on by that Hojo. She smirked and gave them a mocking wink before letting herself fall backward. Luckily for her, she survived the fall and landed on her feet. Without missing a beat, she started running again, going as far as she could into the hustle and bustle of Midgar. The guards were still after her, shoving any passerby who got in their way. The woman misdirected them and hid in a dark alleyway, ducking behind a dumpster. She became exhausted from fleeing and was starting to fall asleep when she heard the guards.

"Damnit! Sir, we lost her!" One of them grunted in defeat. Then she heard a familiarly irritating voice.

"Her microchip hasn't even been installed yet! I don't care what you mechanical doofuses have to do! Put up wanted posters! Offer a large sum of money! Just find Valencia Valentine, and don't come back until you do! And one more thing: do not put a scratch on her! If I find any on her, I'll turn you all into scrap metal!" Hojo's voice was no longer heard, and so were the guards. Once they were out of earshot, the girl sighed.

"Fuck... I can't stay here forever..... I need to find someone who'll fix this fucking glitch, and fast." The girl jumped as her partly mechanical body glitches once again, but this time, more violently. She herself didn't remember much about her death, except for staring into the eyes of a man dressed in a white tux, stained red from the chest down. She remembered trying to splutter her last goodbye to him, right before he was shot from behind.

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