Love is The Best Medicine 💊

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When Sephiroth first laid eyes on Valencia Valentine, she was dying of a high-risk mako poisoning. He had no idea why she was there or how she ended up being trapped in a cage of crystallized mako, but he knew one thing..... the sight of her life being taken away was glued to his mind as a reminder.


"Split up and search for that reactor. It has to be here. And hold your breaths. This much mako exposure is highly dangerous." Sephiroth instructed his team of SOLDIERS, and once they did, he was left on his own. This swamp was blanketed with fog and vaporized mako, a combination that could kill anyone. And the mutated monsters were just as deadly. It's not like he couldn't handle it. Any monster that crossed his path immediately met their doom with the light kiss of his sword. Just when he was done defeating a beast bigger than him, his highly trained ears picked up a soft cry for help. His kind nature just couldn't ignore something like that, so he quickly headed towards the sound. A few miles away from him, Valencia Valentine was dying. She had woken up feeling weak and sick. She started coughing and crying out for help.

"Help.... me.... please.... someone....." She collapsed on the ground, slowly falling into the arms of death. She couldn't die like this. She needed to make peace with her brother and start a family with her boyfriend. By the time help had reached her, she was already half dead. Sephiroth stood in front of a cage made of crystallized mako, watching a woman let go of any life she had been holding on to.

"Hold on." He swung his sword, breaking the crystals apart. He got close enough to pick up the victim, quickly calling his men back to abort the mission entirely. He released his wing, flapping away the fog around them.


"Father, is she going to be alright?" Sephiroth stood in front of her hospital room doorway, watching as a team of doctors were trying to bring her back to life.

"She's dying, boy. The extreme mako poisoning is far too severe for her to fight. I'm surprised she was in the condition she was in to begin with. You're better off forgetting about her." Hojo walked away, not sugarcoating anything. Sephiroth stayed behind, continuing to watch as the doctors shocked her I'm order to start her heart. Sephiroth knew if this girl was anyone else, he would've left them. But this one.... she was different. There was something about her that attracted him to her. Was it the way she cried for help? Was it how she got a glimpse of him before her body failed her? The next morning, Sephiroth decided to go see her, only to find that the room was empty. Horrible thoughts started flooding his head. Did she pass in the middle of the night? Did someone take her? A nurse came out from a bathroom, noticing the expression on the war hero's face.

"Oh! General, good morning! Are you here for her? Don't worry, we moved her into another room. Come with me." The brunette nurse led him down the hall to a room where the girl was lying still, slowly breathing.

"The doctors were able to bring her back, but she remains in a coma. We're not sure when she's going to wake up, but it's all up to her." The nurse went in after him to check the patient's vitals.

"Did you happen to get her name?" Sephiroth sat by her bedside, keeping an eye on her as if she were going to disappear any moment now.

"It's Valencia. Valencia Valentine. She's 21, approximately 5 feet, and 4 inches tall, no known parents aside from a sibling." The nurse took some notes on her chart.

"Valencia.... what a beautiful name for such a gorgeous woman." Sephiroth uttered under his breath, imprinting her name on his tongue. As time went on, he never failed to go see Valencia. He always brought her flowers, the most rarest of them all. He always talked to her, remaining hopeful that she could hear him. He fed her compliments and even told her his name so she'll never forget the person who saved her. He knew he was head over heels for this girl. She was the one he wanted to carry bridal style into the comforts of their home, the one he wanted to call his. A couple of months later, he had received word that Valencia had woken up. This was it. He was going to finally introduce himself and get to know her. He picked up a bouquet of colorful flowers and hid them behind his back, eager to surprise her. However, his heart would soon shatter once he saw what stood before him. A man, no, a Turk with long red hair was holding Valencia close to him, kissing her over and over again. He dropped the bouquet and calmly stormed off with a broken heart. Valencia herself had woken up to multiple vases of flowers around her bed. They were lovely, but who left them?

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