I'm in Love with a Mafia Boss

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Ever since she could remember, Valencia did everything she could to defy her parents: staying out late, hanging with the wrong crowd, and more. No matter how hard her parents tried, they just couldn't control their daughter. Scare programs, lectures, a night in juvenile, all failed. Valencia was the most defiant child growing up, as well a spoiled brat. Her mother would give in to her hissy fits, and enable her daughter's behavior. It all came to an end the day her mother died. She was caught in a crossfire with the mafia and she bled out that night, never to be found. To this day the forensics still haven't found her. Not like Valencia cared anyways. Sure, she was forced to attend the funeral, but ran off during the burial with the son of the funeral director. Her father still lives on, bailing her out of jail if needed, getting more stressed out by the day. Present day, Valencia was still in her rebel stage, doing her usual bad girl things, hanging out with a gang of thugs who only wanted her around for one thing: a discount on their drugs.

"Ugh, my father gave me a curfew last night. Like, I'm not a little kid anymore. Dads, I swear they think they can control you." She took a drag of her cigarette, venting to her bad influence friends at the local park. The leader of the gang Ichiro rolled his green eyes. He hated when women talk to much. He only accepted Valencia because he knew her father was rich and was only using her for the dough. The park was empty, and they had it all to themselves.

"Hey baby, why don't you go to the convenience store and buy a few blunt wraps for our weed?" Ichiro was determined to get rid of her. The group had planned it for weeks, and now was the perfect time for it.

"Okay honey. I'll be right back." She gave his cheek a quick peck before hopping off the park bench and going across the street to the 24 hour convenience store. She used the cash she stole from her father, and bought the wraps, plus an ice cream bar and a bottle of cream soda and was in and out quickly, but little did she know that her group had abandoned her. She left the store, eating the ice cream bar on her way back.

"I didn't know what flavor you wanted, so I just picked for you. I hope you like- huh? Ichiro? Guys? Guys where are you? Seriously, this isn't funny!" She finished her frozen treat and searched for the men, and went back to their hideout under the bridge, where they were all frozen in fear, holding their guns towards another group of men, who were all dressed in blue collared suits.

"I'll ask you again... Where is the girl?" An auburn haired man held a rapier towards them. The light from the streetlight lit a spot for all of them.

"Ichiro, what's going on?" Responding to her question, Ichiro pushes the girl forward.

"Here! Take her! Just leave us and our drugs alone!" Wait what?! The auburn haired man smirked and grabbed the girl and two more men held her by her arms, one who looked a little younger whispering a heartfelt apology.

"Hey!! Ichiro! Do something!!" None of them spared her a glance. She watched with horror as each one of her friends were brutally murdered by the auburn haired man.

"Genesis. We need to go before the police realizes we're here." Genesis punctured each of their lungs and dumped the dead bodies in the river.

"Let's go. You, do not say a word unless you want to end up like your traitor boyfriend." He walked in the opposite direction, and she was forced to walk and follow them to a limo parked on the side of the street.

"Yeah, and another thing: don't scream or cry. We don't want to attract any unwanted attention." Another man with shiny raven locks and a prince charming face pointed his large sword at her. When the four reached the vehicle, Valencia refused to get in.

"Where are you taking me? Because I charge by the hour." She stood with her arms crossed. Genesis sighed and pinned her to the ground, quickly tying her up and tossing her in. Valencia wiggled and squirmed, eyeing them all down.

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