Crazy For You

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Warning: contains yandere themes and violence!

In Gaia, two people lived completely different lives. Valencia Valentine was sweet, well liked, and sold flowers just to make a living, much like her best friend Aerith. Sephiroth was the dark overlord of Nibelheim, hated by all. Valencia never had much, while he had everything. Her problem was that she was far too kind. His was that he craved more power. Both had so little in common and knew nothing of the other. Valencia lived with Aerith and her mother Elmrya, while Sephiroth lived in a castle, accompanied by hundreds of servants. Despite that, he still felt incomplete. One day, he took a stroll through the castle garden, displeased by how bright it seemed with all the flowers. One of his advisors followed behind him, gulping in fear at how unhappy his master looked.

"I thought I asked that worthless gardener to not plant those vibrant colored flowers. Have her executed and go fetch me my horse Drogon. I'll personally find one myself." He used dark magic to set a flower bed on fire, leaving the advisor shaking in his shoes. Meanwhile, Valencia and Aerith were in town, an entire wagon full of flowers ready to be sold. Aerith's boyfriend Zack joined them for security reasons, a bad feeling that something was going to happen. The town was full of life, and Valencia couldn't be happier. Sure, this wasn't that big castle in Nibelheim that everyone talked about often, but she was forever grateful nonetheless. She set up the flower stand, carefully setting up the new breed of flowers she planted.

"Valencia, nobody is going to buy those. They're too dark and gothy." Aerith didn't approve of her choices, but still supported her.

"It's okay, Aerith. I'm sure there's someone out there who'll buy them. I think they're pretty." She had spent weeks planting and combining different flowers to create a new species, but all she could do was create different colors. All of a sudden, the ground started shaking, and the sky went from being clear and blue to becoming dark and grey. Then, the clobbering sounds of horse hooves came closer.

"Girls, hide behind me. It's him." Zack ordered, taking his sword out from its sheath. Valencia and Aerith hid behind him, staying quiet, and everyone else who had been out and about were either hiding in their homes or were watching the horses coming their way. The biggest horse and its rider came to a halt in front of them, the owner eyeing the black flowers on the stand. Zack stood in a fighting stance, ready to take him on if need be. He didn't care if he was the overlord of Nibelheim. He was gonna do what it took to protect his woman and her best friend.

"You. How much for those dark flowers?" Sephiroth stepped down from his horse, going up to the stand. Zack kept the girls hidden, shuffling so that he was facing the overlord.

"We haven't set a price yet, my lord. How much do you want for one?" Zack didn't want to set it too high or too low for the man's liking.

"Hm, that depends. Who planted these flowers? I must know." He picked one up by the stem. A beautiful black rose with the most gorgeous thorns. Zack didn't know what to say without giving Valencia away.

"Well? Answer me. Do you have a death wish, mortal?" Sephiroth was becoming impatient by the minute. Valencia came out of hiding, facing the overlord himself.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't shoot threats at my friend. I planted those flowers." Anyone who had heard her gasped. Nobody dared to disrespect the dark overlord. Sephiroth's heart stopped upon hearing such an angelic voice. He turned around, and just as he thought. The face matched the voice.

"Oh, I see. So, you planted these yourself? I'm impressed. I'll take them all for whatever the price. However, I also have a request." Valencia kept very still. What could he want? Surely, it's not her, right? Right?!

"And what would that be, my lord?" He chuckled at her sudden timidity.

"I would like for you to come work for me as my gardener. I'll pay you handsomely, and I'll even have a room just for you in my little paradise. What do you say, my dear?" Sephiroth held his hand out to her. Zack pulled Valencia away from him.

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