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For as long as Valencia's family could remember, they struggled with money. When Valencia was born, it only got worse. Her parents barely made enough to get by as it was, and for Valencia to come into the world the way she did, it was definitely unexpected. They stressed for months until a rich couple came to their doorstep.

"We'll be more than happy to pay for any expenses, as well as move you in our neighborhood. As long as you make a deal with us. My name is Dr. Lucrecia Crescent, and this is my husband, Professor Hojo, and our one year old son Sephiroth." The woman introduced, holding the little boy's hand.

"A deal, you say? What kind of deal?" Valencia 's father raised an eyebrow, looking back at his wife, who was rocking her daughter to sleep.

"You see, Mr. Valentine, our boy here will take over our pharmaceutical industry one day. And when he's not around anymore, his future son or daughter will take over, so on and so forth. That's where your daughter will come in. We'd like to propose an arranged marriage between them. They will meet when your daughter turns 19, and that is when we'll break the news to them. What do you say, Grimoire?" Hojo smirked, glancing at the newborn baby.

"I don't know Hojo. She is my only daughter, and I hate to give her away just like that. Besides, wouldn't it be easier to have them be friends instead? I just don't want them to hate each other later on." Lucrecia handed him one of her business cards.

"Here. Call us once you've come to an agreement, and we'll set everything up right away." The trio leave, and Grimiore and his wife reluctantly talk about amongst themselves.

"As wrong as it sounds, Isabella, think about how rich we'll be with their money! We can finally get out of this dump and give our kids the life they've always wanted! Plus, Valencia is our ticket out of here!" Grimoire watched the girl yawn and sneeze in her playpen.

"Oh Grimoire, I don't know. Did you see their son? He has to be at least a year old, and she's barely a few months old. I just don't want our only daughter to be unhappy, that's all. She's always been a happy child. Isn't that right, my beautiful girl?" Isabella smiled as her daughter responded with a playful giggle.

"Let's at least give it a shot. I mean, what do we have to lose? Everyone who has ever met Valencia has fallen head over heels for her, so what can go wrong?" Everything. And so, they agreed to the arrangement and was soon moved in down the road from the other family's home. For the next 18 years, Valencia grew up homeschooled, not sure why she couldn't go to a public school. Then, on her 19th birthday, she was awoken with her parents and her two brothers, Vincent and Geoffrey, singing happy birthday.

"Good morning, my sunshine! Happy birthday!" Her mother beamed, giving her daughter a cupcake as soon as she sat up.

"Thanks, mom! Thanks, dad! What are we doing today?! Are Aerith and Tifa coming over?" Valencia scarfed down the tasty treat, licking the chocolate icing off her fingers.

"Actually, sweetheart, you know the Crescent house that's at the end of the street? That big mansion? We thought we'd have your party over there since it's bigger. If you want, you can go hang out with your friends, as long as you're back by three." Her mother explained. Valencia squealed, hugging her parents.

"Eeee!!! Thank you! Thank you! I'll be sure to come back by that time, I promise!" She quickly jumped out of bed, preparing her outfit for the day: a purple long sleeved t shirt with her favorite ripped jeans and faux fur ankle boots. She left to go see her friends, who were excited to finally hang out with her after spending months apart. They all talked and gossiped until three o clock came, and Valencia had to leave. Before she knew it, she was at the large mansion with her family.

Come in, come in! And you must be Valencia! My, aren't you pretty!" Lucrecia invited them in, calling her son downstairs.

"Sephiroth! Sephiroth, can you come down here?!" She called, and a loud bang was heard before a man with long silver hair made his way down the steps, holding a portable game system in his hands, his emerald eyes focused.

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